參考文獻: | 一、中文書籍 1.朱富春,股價分析,聯經出版圖書公司,民國六十七年,十二月,三版。 2.余雪明,證券管理,台北:國立編譯館,民國六十二年二版。 3.林煜宗,現代投資學-制度、理論、與實證,自印,民國七十二年七月修訂二版。 4.翁淑緣編著,SPSS使用手冊,五南圖書出版公司,民國七十三年八月初版。 5.陳定國、黃俊英主編,企業技術研究大全,台北:大世紀出版事業,民國六十八年。 6.陳厚侗,證券投資及其市場,三民書局,民國七十一年六月增補版。 7.陳振楠、李惠明編著,結構化程式設計FORTRAN 77,萬人出版社,民國七十二年九月修訂版。 8.陳超塵,統計學,上下册十九版,台北:台灣商務印書館,民國六十二年八月。 9.陳肇榮,財務危機之預測,華泰出版,民國七十三年二月初版。 10.黃柱權,財務管理,三民書局印行,民國七十二年十月初版。 11.楊承厚,金融市場,增訂版,台北:中國經濟月刊出版社,民國六十六年三月。 12.謝安田,企業研究方法,台北:自刊本,民國六十八年。 13.蔡孔安,投資學的理論與實務,自印,民國六十八年八版。 14.龔平邦,投資學。台北:三民書局,民國六十八年四月。 15.中華民國證券統計要覽,第十五輯。經濟部證券管理委員會編印,民國七十四年四月。 16.台灣證券交易所證券統計資料,七十二年度台灣證券交易所編印,民國七十四年四月。 二、英文書籍 1. Frederick Amling, Investment-An Introduction to Analysis and Management , Fifth edition 華泰翻印,民國七十三年。 2. Jerome B. Cohen, Edward D. Zinbarg and Arthur Eeikel, Investment Analysis and Profolio Management, 3nd ed. Homewood Ill. 3. Sharpe William F. investment, Englewood Cliffs, N. J . Prectice-Hell , 1978. 4. Jack clark Francis, Investments : Analysis and Management 12nd ed N. Y. : Mcgraw-Hill 1976. 5. D. R. Anderson, D. J. Sweeney, T. A. Williams, Statistics for Business and Economics, 2nd ed, West Publishing Co. 三、英文期刊 1. Kenneth R. French, Stock Returns And The Weekend Effect ", Journal of Financial Economics 8 (1980) PP. 56-69. 2. Michael R. Gibbons and Patrick Hess, "Day of the Week Effects and Asset Returns " Journal of Business 1981 Vol. 54, No 4. PP. 580-595. 3. Donald B. Keim and Robert F. Stambaugh, " A Futher Investigation of the Weekend Effect in Stock Returns", The Journal of Finance. Vol xxxIx No. 3 July 1984 PP. 819-837. 4. Dan W. French, "The Weekend Effect on The Distribution of Stock Prices-Implication for Option Pricing " Journal of Financial Economics 13 (1984) PP. 547-559. 5. Richard J. Rogalski, "New Findings Regarding Day-of-the-week Returns Over Trading and Non-Trading Periods: A Note, The Journal of Finance, Vol. xxxIx No 5, Dec. 1984 PP. 1603-1614. 6. Josef Lakonishsk and Maurice Levi ," Weekend Effects on Stock Returns : A Note ", Journal of Finance Vol. xxxvII No 3, June 1982 PP. 883-889. 7. Mark J. Flannery and Christopher M. James, "The Effect of Interest Rate Changes on the Common Stock Returns of Financial Institutions, " The Journal of Finance. Vol. xxxIx No 4. Sept. 1984, PP. 1141-1153. 8. Seha M. Tinic and Richard R. West, " Risk and Return-January vs , the Rest of the Year, " Journal of Financial Economics 13 (1984) PP. 561- 574. 9. George S. Oldfield, JR. and Richard J. Rogaiski, " A Theory of Common Stock Returns Over Trading and Non-Trading Periods " The Journal of Finance, Vol. xxxv. No 3, June 1980 PP. 729-751. 10. Peter liold Davis, Michael Canes, "Stock Prices and the Publication of Second-Hand Information " Journal of Business, 1978. Vol. 51, No 9. PP. 43-56. 11. Stephen H. Penman, "Inside Trading and the Dissemination of Firms` Forcost Information ", Journal of Business 1982. Vol 55, No 4, PP. 479-503. 12. Aver Kalay, Marti G. Suborahmanyam, "The EX-Dividend Day Behavior of Option Prices " Journal of Business 1984 Vol. 57, No 1. PP. 113-128. 13. Stan Beckers," Variance of Security Price Returns Based on High, Low, and Closing Prices " Journal of Business 1983 Vol. 56, No 1. PP. 97-112. 14. Fama E. , The Behavior of Stock Market Prices ", Journal of Business 28 (Jan) 1965 PP. 34-105. 15. Cross F. , "The behavion of Stock Prices on Friday and Monday ", Financial Analysts Journal (Nov./Dec.) 1973 PP.67-69. 16.D. Keim, Size-Related Anomalies and Stock Return Seasonality : Futher Empirical Evidence" Journal of Financial Economics 12 (Jane 1983) PP.13-32. 17. Donald B. Keim, "Size-Related Anomalies and Stock Return Seasonality : Futher Empirical Evidence" Journal of Financial Economics 12 (June 1983) PP. 13-32. 18. Hans R. Stoll and Robert E. Whaley, Transaction Cost and the Small Firm Effect, " Journal of Financial Economics 12 (Jane 1983) PP. 57-79. 19. Marshall E. Blume & Robert F. Stambaugh, " Biases In Computed Returns-An application to the Size Effect " Journal of Financial Economics 12 (1983) PP. 387-404. 20. Stepher J. Brown & Jerold B. Warner, "Measuring Security Price Performance " Journal of Financial Economics 8 (1980) PP. 205-258. 21. Guy Charest, "Split , Information, Stock Returns and Market Efficiency - I * " Journal of Financial Economics 6 (1978) PP. 265-296. 22. Rolf W. Banze, "The Relationship Between Return and Market Value of Common Stocks " Journal of Economics 9 (1981) PP. 3-18. 四、未出版著作 1.田世善,台灣地區會計情報及非會計情報對投資行為影響之研究,國立政治大學企管研究所碩士論文,民國六十七年。 2.余榮聰,重要事件對我國股價影響之研究,國立政治大學企管研究所碩士論文,民國六十三年。 3.徐恭忠,台灣股票市場股價結構之研究,國立政治大學企管研究所碩士論文,民國六十七年。 4.游啟源,台灣股票市場效率投資組合穩定性之研究,政治大學企管研究所碩士論文,民國六十八年。 5.徐世豪,台灣證券市場有效性之研究-過濾法投資效益之評估國立政治大學企管研究所碩士論文,民國六十八年。 6.張金桂,台灣股票市場股價行為之實證研究,大同工學院事業經營研究所碩士論文。 7.謝徽榮,台灣股價變動短期資料預測能力之研究,台大商學研究所碩士論文,民國六十六年。 8.林泉源,股票價格影響因素的實證研究,國立政治大學企管研究所碩士論文,民國六十七年。 9.洪日爛,台灣股票市場新上市股票投資報酬率與市場效率性之研究,國立政治大學企管研究所碩士論文,民國六十八年。 |