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Items for Author "范噶色"
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[地政學系] 期刊論文
Towards Sustainable Urban Car–Parking Solutions: Exploring Effects of Parking Policies Using Spatial Regression Analysis
范噶色 ; 林子欽 ; van Gasselt, Stephan ; Lin, Tzu-Chin ; Tsai, Meng-Chin
[地政學系] 會議論文
Towards Monitoring of Mountain Mass Wasting using Object-Based Image Analysis using SAR Intensity Images
范噶色 ; 林士淵 ; Gasselt, Stephan van ; Lin, Shih-Yuan ; Lin, Cheng-Wei
[地政學系] 期刊論文
Framework and Use Case for a Web-Based Interactive Analysis Tool to Investigate Urban Expansion and Sustainable Development Goal Indicators
范噶色 ; van Gasselt, Stephan ; Tsai, Meng-Chin
[地政學系] 會議論文
Analysis Framework of Urban Expansion in Taiwan and its Implication for Long-Term Developments using Satellite-Image Time Series Data
范噶色 ; van Gasselt, Stephan ; Tsai, Meng-Chin
[地政學系] 會議論文
Assessing the Relationship between Urabn Expansion and Landslide Hazards using Satellite-Image Time Series and a Spatially and Temporally Explicit Data Model
范噶色 ; van Gasselt, Stephan ; Tsai, Meng-Chin
[地政學系] 會議論文
Assessing the Relationship between Urban Expansion and Landslide Hazards using Satellite-Image Time Series and a Spatially and Temporally Explicit Data Model
范噶色 ; van Gasselt, Stephan ; Tsai, Meng-Chin
[地政學系] 會議論文
Concept and Formalisation of Tactile Cartographic Variables
范噶色 ; van Gasselt, Stephan ; Rong, Yi Rong Yi
[地政學系] 專書/專書篇章
范噶色 ; van Gasselt, Stephan ; Neukum, Gerhard
[地政學系] 會議論文
Mapping of Ceres by Dawn: New SPG and SPC DTMs of Occator Crater and its Interior Crovolcanism-related Bright Deposits
范噶色 ; van Gasselt, Stephan ; Neesemann, Alicia ; Jaumann, Ralf ; Julie, C. Castillo-Rogez ; Raymond, Carol A. ; Postberg, Frank
[地政學系] 會議論文
Mapping of Ceres by DAWN: Generation of Higher-Level Cartographic Products Based on Framing Camera Data
范噶色 ; van Gasselt, Stephan ; Neesemann, A. ; Walter, S. H. G. ; Jaumann, R. ; Castillo-Rogez, J. C. ; Raymond, C. A. ; Russell, C. T. ; Postberg, F.
[地政學系] 期刊論文
A Semantic View on Planetary Mapping—Investigating Limitations and Knowledge Modeling through Contextualization and Composition
范噶色 ; van Gasselt, Stephan ; Nass, Andrea
[地政學系] 會議論文
User Needs and Identification of Upcoming Challenges for the Application of Planetary Information Systems
范噶色 ; van Gasselt, Stephan ; Nass, Andrea
[地政學系] 會議論文
50 Years of Sensor-Based Planetary Cartography: Review and Perspectives
范噶色 ; van Gasselt, Stephan ; Nass, Andrea ; Hare, Trent ; Hargitai, Henrik
[地政學系] 期刊論文
Cartographic Metadata for Improving Accessibility and Facilitating Knowledge Extraction and Validation in Planetary Mapping Based on Remote-Sensing Observations
范噶色 ; van Gasselt, Stephan ; Naß, Andrea
[地政學系] 期刊論文
A Cartographic Perspective on the Planetary Geologic Mapping Investigation of Ceres
范噶色 ; van Gasselt, Stephan ; Naß, Andrea
[地政學系] 期刊論文
Cartography of the Solar System: Remote Sensing beyond Earth
范噶色 ; van Gasselt, Stephan ; Naß, Andrea
[地政學系] 專書/專書篇章
Habitability on Mars
范噶色 ; van Gasselt, Stephan ; Airo, Alessandro ; Hauber, Ernst
[地政學系] 專書/專書篇章
Introduction (to Planetary Geology)
范噶色 ; Rossi, Angelo Pio ; Gasselt, Stephan van
[地政學系] 專書/專書篇章
Ground Truth
范噶色 ; Rossi, Angelo Pio ; Gasselt, Stephan van
[地政學系] 專書/專書篇章
The Terrestrial Planets
范噶色 ; Rossi, Angelo Pio ; Gasselt, Stephan van ; Hiesinger, Harald
[地政學系] 會議論文
Towards sustainable urban car-parking solutions: exploring effects of parking policies using spatial regression analysis
范噶色 ; Gasselt, Stephan van
[地政學系] 會議論文
Spatial and Open Research Data Infrastructure for Planetary Science - Lessons learned from European developments
范噶色 ; Gasselt, Stephan van
[地政學系] 專書/專書篇章
The Effects of Green Energy Production on Farmland: A Case Study in Yunlin County, Taiwan
范噶色 ; Gasselt, Stephan van ; Tsai, Yu-Hsin ; Lin, Tzu-Chin ; Lin, Shih-Yuan ; Chen, Chia-Lin ; Hsu, Chia-Hsin
[地政學系] 專書/專書篇章
The Effects of Green Energy Production on Farmland: A Case Study in Yunlin County, Taiwan
范噶色 ; Gasselt, Stephan van ; Tsai, Yu-Hsin ; Lin, Tzu-Chin ; Lin, Shih-Yuan ; Chen, Chia-Lin ; Hsu, Chia-Hsin ; 林子欽
[地政學系] 專書/專書篇章
Exploration Tools
范噶色 ; Gasselt, Stephan van ; Rossi, Angelo Pio ; Loizeau, Damien ; d’Amore, Mario
[地政學系] 期刊論文
Grid Mapping the Northern Plains of Mars: Geomorphological, Radar, and Water-Equivalent Hydrogen Results From Arcadia Plantia
范噶色 ; Gasselt, Stephan van ; Ramsdale, Jason D. ; Eke, Vince R. ; Johnsson, Andreas ; Kereszturi, Akos ; Losiak, Anna ; Massey, Richard J. ; Platz, Thomas ; Reiss, Dennis ; Skinner, James A. ; ; Swirad, Zuzanna M. ; Balme, Matthew R. ; Teodoro, Luis F. A. ; Wilson, Jack T. ; Gallagher, Colman ; Susan
[地政學系] 期刊論文
Grid Mapping the Northern Plains of Mars: A New Overview of Recent Water- and Ice-Related Landforms in Acidalia Planitia
范噶色 ; Gasselt, Stephan van ; Orgel, Csilla ; Wilson, Jack T. ; Balme, Matthew R. ; Conway, Susan J. ; Costard, Francois ; Eke, Vince R.
[地政學系] 期刊論文
Facilitating reuse of planetary spatial research data – Conceptualizing an open map repository as part of a Planetary Research Data Infrastructure
范噶色 ; Gasselt, Stephan van ; Nass, Andrea
[地政學系] 會議論文
Planetary Cartography: Challenges for Mapping and Research Data Management
范噶色 ; Gasselt, Stephan van ; Nass, Andrea ; Frigeri, Alessandro ; Rossi, Angelo Pio ; Galluzzi, Valentina
[地政學系] 期刊論文
The geologic map of the Cassini quadrangle on the Moon: planetary cartography between science, efficacy and cartographic aesthetics
范噶色 ; Gasselt, Stephan van ; Naß, Andrea
[地政學系] 會議論文
Towards a new face for Planetary Maps: Design and web-based Implementation of Planetary Basemaps
范噶色 ; Gasselt, Stephan van ; Manaud, Nicolas ; Nass, Andrea ; Hare, Trent M.
[地政學系] 會議論文
Show affiliations
范噶色 ; Gasselt, S. van
[地政學系] 會議論文
Towards a new face for Planetary Maps
范噶色 ; Gasselt, S. van
[地政學系] 會議論文
Towards a New Face for Planetary Maps on the Web
范噶色 ; Gasselt, S. van
[地政學系] 會議論文
Adaptation of Parking Behavior to Price-Policy Adjustments in Taipei City
范噶色 ; Gasselt, S. van ; Tsai, M. C. ; Lin, T. C.
[地政學系] 會議論文
Constraining the Ice-Content and Timing of Deposition of Ice-Rich Deposits in Utopia Planitia: SHARAD, Stratigraphy and Crater Counting
范噶色 ; Gasselt, S. van ; Sejourne, A ; Costard, F ; Losiak, A ; Swirad, Z. M ; Smith, I ; Balme, M. R ; Conway, S. J. ; Gallagher, C. ; Hauber, E. ; Johnsson, A. E. ; Orgel, C. ; Rasmdale, J. D. ; Reiss, D. ; Skinner, J. A.
[地政學系] 期刊論文
The various ages of Occator crater, Ceres: Results of a comprehensive synthesis approach
范噶色 ; Gasselt, S. van ; Neesemann, A. ; Jaumann, R. ; Roatsch, T. ; Raymond, C.A.
[教育學系] 國科會研究計畫
林子欽 ; 丁秀吟 ; 林士淵 ; 范噶色
[地政學系] 研究報告
丁秀吟 ; 林子欽 ; 林士淵 ; 范噶色
[地政學系] 研究報告
丁秀吟 ; Ding, Hsiu-Yin ; 廖培安 ; 林子欽 ; 張宏浩 ; 林士淵 ; 范噶色
[地政學系] 期刊論文
The Web-Based Interactive Mars Analysis and Research System for HRSC and the iMars Project
Walter, SHG ; Muller, JP ; Sidiropoulos, P ; Tao, Y ; Gwinner, K ; Putri, ARD ; Kim, JR ; Steikert, R ; van Gasselt, S ; Michael, GG ; Watson, G ; Schreiner, BP ; 范噶色 ; Gasselt, S. van
[地政學系] 專書/專書篇章
Planetary Geology
Rossi, Angelo Pio ; 范噶色 ; Gasselt, Stephan van
[地政學系] 期刊論文
Error-Regulated Multi-Pass DInSAR Analysis for Landslide Risk Assessment
Kim, Jung Rack ; Yun, HyeWon ; Van Gasselt, Stephan ; 范噶色 ; Choi, YunSoo
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