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    Title: 解殖後香港政治機會與社會抗爭
    Political Opportunity and Social Protests in Postcolonial Hong Kong
    Authors: 趙尊立
    Chao, Tsun Li
    Contributors: 李明
    Li, Ming
    Chao, Tsun Li
    Keywords: 香港
    Hong Kong
    Political Opportunity
    Social protest
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2016-08-09 14:39:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自九七回歸以來,香港經歷一系列民主化過程,一國兩制對整個城市的影響日益加深。本文利用政治機會結構的模式,來探討回歸後社會抗爭的發展,並用以觀察解殖後現今香港社會抗爭激增的原因。香港政府與社會的關係自回歸以來矛盾逐漸浮現,港府與民眾的民主認知差距導致人民屢次走上街頭,此矛盾衝突恐將進一步擴大。本文希冀能藉由政治過程論提出整合性的觀點,更全面的的剖析香港社會抗爭的變遷。
    Hong Kong is undergoing the process of democratization; what happens in Hong Kong now interprets how “one country, two systems” is affecting the city. The study uses “political process model” to examine the trend of social protests development in post colonial Hong Kong, then observes and explains the phenomena of the increment of social protests in Hong Kong society after decolonization.
    Conceptual analysis and evaluation of transformation of the political reform and social movement is also the focus of the research, in summary, the study would like to make an integrated theoretical perspective and provide a comprehensive analysis on the transformation of social protests in Hong Kong
    Reference: References


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