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Title: | 偏鄉國中英語補救教學之行動研究:多元智能與漸進式全語言學習之結合應用 The Application of Multiple Intelligences and Progressive Whole Language Approach to English Remedial Teaching for Rural Junior High School Students: An Action Research |
Authors: | 賴至暉 Lai, Chih Hui |
Contributors: | 詹志禹 Chan, Chih Yu 賴至暉 Lai, Chih Hui |
Keywords: | 英語文學習 多元智能 全語言 補救教學 沉浸式教學法 鷹架作用 七i模式 English learning multiple intelligences whole language remedial teaching immersion method scaffolding seven-i model |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-09 14:33:30 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究採行動研究法,旨在探討「多元智能與漸進式全語言學習」整合教學之課程設計,對於偏鄉國中英語補救教學之影響,包括:課程設計方式、實施過程中和實施過程後的成效與學習者的回饋、教學者在實施過程中所遇到之困境與省思、建構整合教學模式。研究對象為北部一所偏鄉國中八年級學生,共十二名。研究期程為十二週,每週授課一堂課。本研究透過分析學生自評表、學生課堂滿意度調查表、教學觀察實況紀錄、學習單與學生學習歷程檔案、學生筆記本的省思紀錄、Facebook網站學習社群互動紀錄、學生訪談、教師訪談、諍友群教學回饋等量化及質性資料,綜合探討並歸納後,研究重要發現如下:
一、「多元智能與漸進式全語言學習」整合課程的有效教學策略為:學習者中心、 學習者掌握優勢智能、內省智能的運用、多元試探、沉浸式語言學習、合作 學習、鷹架作用、情境式學習、課程統整、檔案評量、變通測驗。 二、「多元智能與漸進式全語言學習」整合課程對偏鄉國中英語補救教學之參與 學生,在學習興趣與表達自信上,皆為有提升的。 三、教學省思為:教學慣性與個別化教學皆應再改進、外來授課教師身分上的限 制。課程改進應著重「上而下」與「下而上」策略之整合運用,並營造無壓 力的語言學習環境、鼓勵學生試探自己更為多元的優勢智能、增加印象式學 習的機會。 四、依據「多元智能與漸進式全語言學習」整合教學之課程設計,經過兩次課程 省思後,建構出「英語文補救教學七i模式」,強調啟發式教學、個別化教 學、互為主體性、印象式學習、直覺力與伴隨式學習,對學習者進行自我統 合的教學歷程。
本研究提出的討論為:在鷹架作用、變通評量與自主學習間的策略探討;體制教育與另類教育的並濟、實驗教育為偏鄉學校帶來的新契機。本研究對於教師在英語文補救教學上的建議為:運用「英語文補救教學七i模式」並搭配教學者本身之優勢智能與示範,都將有助於補教教學之進行。而小班制的個別化教學、公開觀課並改善課堂記錄方式、網路學習社群之有效運用,亦皆是重要的策略。對於未來研究的建議為:採取貫時性的行動研究、探討體制與政策面對偏鄉補救教學之影響、跳脫框架的自我批判、勾勒教室之學習圖像,並改進學生內省智能之呈現方式。 This action research explored effective methods of English remedial teaching for rural junior high school students. A teaching model was built-up based on the application of multiple intelligences and progressive whole language approaches. This model was revised according to implementation effectiveness, students’ feedback, and instructor`s self-reflection. Research participants included 12 Grade-8 rural junior high school students. One class meeting per week for a 12-week curriculum was conducted. Quantitative and qualitative analysis was employed to analyze data from students` self-evaluation, satisfaction checklists, learning sheets, portfolios, reflective notes, and messages on Facebook community, as well as from teacher’s interview with students, teaching records, and feedback information provided by peers. Research conclusions include: 1. The teaching strategies of the application of multiple intelligences and progressive whole language approach are effective when they are based on student-centered learning, superior ability among multiple intelligences, rich self-exploration, immersive language experience, collaborative learning, scaffolded learning, integrated curriculum, and alternative assessments. 2. The application of multiple intelligences and progressive whole language approach improves students` learning interests and self-confidence. 3. According to self-reflection of the instructor, habitual teaching should be changed and individualized teaching should be enforced. In addition, curriculum revision should focus on integration of "top-down" and "bottom-up" strategies, encouraging students to explore more potential intelligences and opportunities for impressive learning. 4. A "seven-i" English remedial teaching model, which emphasizes inspired, individualized, intersubjective, impressive, intuitive and incidental learning as well as self-identity, is built up after the action research. Finally, other potential strategies for scaffolding, alternative assessments and independent learning were discussed. It was suggested that teachers utilize their special ability to apply the "seven-i" model for English remedial teaching. Future studies can employ longitudinal observation, focus on influence from policies and teachers’ role transformation, sketch the whole image of class learning, and revise the performing ways of students` intrapersonal intelligence. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 教育學系 103152007 |
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