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Title: | 行政機關人事外補甄選制度之研究 A Study on External Personnel Selection System of Administrative Agencies |
Authors: | 范勻蔚 Fan, Yun Wei |
Contributors: | 陳敦源 Chen, Don Yun 范勻蔚 Fan, Yun Wei |
Keywords: | 外補甄選 人事甄選 陞遷 人事行政 external personnel selection system personnel selection promotion personnel administration |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-09 14:30:39 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 外補甄選讓機關對一個龐大的公務人力資源庫進行招募及甄選,機關能否規劃及執行有效的「外補甄選」,是直接影響機關人力素質的關鍵因素。本研究旨在探討外補甄選制度之運作及甄選工具的應用情形,進而提出外補甄選制度可強化之處。本研究採半開放性的深度訪談方式,共訪問12名受訪者,分別從公共行政領域學者、人事主管及現任公務人員的角度探討行政機關人事外補甄選制度的運作。 研究結果發現成功的外補甄選需達到「人與事的適切配合」,但實務上常有「能力取向」及「人情取向」的內定人選現象,造成外補甄選徒具形式;而職位有有內定人選時,會有甄選公告之資格條件會較具體、公告日數較短、應用的甄選工具較少等情形。雖然行政機關透過能力取向挑選內定人選,可能直接找到適任出缺職務的人選,但也失去獲得其他更適任的人才的機會,若機關能以「能力取向」邀請理想人選參加外補甄選(非內定人選),且公正客觀的辦理甄選時,反而最能有效提升「人與事的適切配合」程度。 另一方面,辦理外補甄選時,行政機關多採用簡單的「傳記資料」及「非結構化面談」,本研究發現行政機關能若依據職缺所需職能並設計「半結構化面談」,並適時利用「背景調查」、「筆試」、「工作樣本測驗」,可有效判斷應徵者的適任性。本研究也發現部分機關將外補甄選被視為次要的人力甄補方式,且發現人事甄審委員會多未能善盡審查外補甄選程序之責,淪為橡皮圖章。本研究針對上述研究結果進一步進行討論,最後根據研究過程與結果,提出本研究的建議與限制。 From the perspective of administrative agencies, external personnel selection system (including recruitment and selection) is a process of soliciting staff from political labor pool. A high-quality external personnel selection system is pivotal for an organization to identify talented employee. The purpose of this study was to explore the functions of external personnel selection system and the application of selection methods in this system; recommendations will be made to improve this mechanism. This study designs a series of in-depth interview questions (semi-opened questions) of qualitative research and consults twelve persons in three categories: public administration researchers, personnel managers of administrative agencies and staff of administrative agencies.
The study indicates that a successful external personnel selection system should achieve the exact match of person and job. In reality however, administrative agencies often arrange an applicant on the basis of “relationship” or “competency” which turns the external personnel selection system into a mere formality. Some clues can be found when administrative agencies arranged an applicant in external personnel selection: (1) the qualifications would be specific in position announcement (2) the post date would be shorter (3) fewer selection methods would be used. With this approach administrative agencies may have the opportunity to arrange someone (competency-based) in a good fit for the position while the agencies would also lose the contact of other applicants with good potential at the same time. Should administrative agencies want to hire a perfect fit for the position, the agencies could invite competency-position fit applicants to join the selection and practice the external personnel selection procedure in a fair and just manner.
As the research shown that administrative agencies often used biographical information and unstructured interviews in external personnel selection, it is recommended that the agencies should design semi-structured interviews questions based on competency, use reference check, written exam and work sample test so as to identify the best applicant for the position. It is also found that the external personnel selection system was considered a minor recruitment method by some agencies and most Promotion Review Boards didn’t even conduct selection activities. With all results being analyzed, suggestions and limitations for further research are brought up in the conclusion. |
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