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    Title: 台灣民眾轉至成人的生命歷程研究
    The Life Course Study of Transition to Adulthood in Taiwan
    Authors: 翁康容
    Weng, Kang Jung
    Contributors: 謝雨生

    Hsieh, Yeu Sheng
    Chang, Feng Bin

    Weng, Kang Jung
    Keywords: 轉至成人
    transition to adulthood
    life course
    age norm
    multichannel sequence analysis
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-09 11:57:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以生命歷程之研究取徑探討台灣民眾「轉至成人」(transition to adulthood)的歷程,嘗試回答以完成學業、開始工作、初次結婚以及初次生育所交織而成的轉至成人歷程呈現出哪些典型的類型、這些類型之轉至成人重要生命事件呈現出什麼樣的「持續期」(duration)、「順序」(order)與「時間間隔」(interval)、人口特徵如何影響轉至成人歷程類型,以及隨著時序展開,轉至成人歷程呈現出什麼樣的出生世代變遷。本研究以台灣社會變遷基本調查第三期第二次東亞比較調查與東亞社會階層與社會流動研究兩筆資料合併後進行分析,總分析樣本為7,248筆。
    This study explores the transition to adulthood in Taiwan adopting the life course approach. Using school completion, first full-time job, first marriage, and first birth to define transition to adulthood, we try to reveal the typology of transition to adulthood in Taiwan, the duration, order, and time interval of the life events of transition to adulthood, the influence of demographics on transition to adulthood, and the cohort change of transition to adulthood spanning from 1935-84. Combining data from two surveys, Second year, third round of Taiwan Social Change Survey and Social Stratification and Social Mobility in Three Countries, 7,248 life courses are analyzed.
    Using Multichannel Sequence Analysis, which is capable of handling multiple dynamics life events, we find 4, 3, and 4 types of transition to adulthood in three cohort span, 1935-55, 1956-67, and 1968-84. Not only has the variability of these types increased overtime, life events of transition to adulthood occur later throughout the cohort span.
    In addition, the study shows the duration of transition to adulthood extends over time, but the order of that remains mostly normative, with first marriage and first birth preceded by school completion and first full-time job and first birth preceded by first marriage. The order change only occurs between school completion and first full-time job. From the analysis of time interval of life events of transition to adulthood, the study discloses that the delay of first marriage, not first birth, is the main reason of the prolongation of transition to adulthood. This shows that first marriage’s effect on stopping transition to adulthood from extending in the early cohort has weakened in the later cohorts.
    The effect of demographics on transition to adulthood varies. Sex and family socioeconomic status persist to have significant effect on transition to adulthood in different cohorts, while ethnic group has significant effect only in the early cohort, meaning the difference of transition to adulthood among ethnic groups has diminished over time.
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