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    題名: 用地理加權迴歸分析獨立式與集合式住宅之價格分布-以改制前台中市為例
    The Price Distribution of Detached Houses and Condominiums in Taichung: Geographically Weighted Regression Approach
    作者: 程稚茵
    Cheng, Chih Yin
    貢獻者: 白仁德

    Pai, Jen Te
    Ning, Fang Shii

    Cheng, Chih Yin
    關鍵詞: 特徵價格
    Hedonic Price
    Spatial Autoregression
    Hotspot Analysis
    Geographically Weighted Regression
    Taichung City
    日期: 2016
    上傳時間: 2016-08-09 11:51:21 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 不動產價格的影響因素可按影響範圍區分為三大類,分別為影響整體不動產市場的「總體環境因素」,對一定範圍內不動產產生價格影響的「區域環境因素」,及對於單一不動產價格有所影響的「房屋個體因素」。其中,區域環境因素為影響個別不動產價格之首要因素,不動產之價格會受到所屬區域之政治、經濟、自然、社會等因素影響,「公共建設因素」為重要之區域環境之一,包含公共設施水準及其配置狀態。影響個別不動產價格之次要因素為「房屋個體因素」,可再次細分為三大影響因素如下:房屋本身所具有的特徵因素,即建築物之內部結構;房屋的建築方式,住宅類型等與全棟房屋有關的因素;與房屋鄰近地區環境有關的因素。而集合式與獨立式住宅因分屬不同房屋類型,即上述房屋價格形成因素中「房屋之建築方式」。實際交易上,獨立式住宅多半以「整棟建物」作為交易計算單位,對於坐落之基地權利持分通常為全部,而集合式住宅係以「樓層」、「戶」作為交易之計算單位,所有之基地持分與其他住戶共同持有,基於上述差異,過去研究多將建築方式視為影響房屋價格的條件之一,並據此分類次市場,因此較少有研究同時探討二者在空間分布上所具有的區位差異,及購屋者對於環境的偏好是否有所不同。且過去文獻多半以使用傳統迴歸模型為主要分析方法。但傳統迴歸分析所使用最小平方法迴歸模型,經常會產生殘差項存在有空間自相關的問題,及空間本身所存在之空間異質性偏誤,即空間不穩定性。因此 本文以台中市都會區內之住家使用房屋為樣本,依特徵價格理論將獨立式住宅與集合式住宅視為差異化商品,其內外特徵納入變數,使用GeoDa軟體進行空間自相關分析,並使用ArcGIS軟體中的地理加權迴歸模組(GWR)進行迴歸分析,藉以探討不同類型房屋所偏好之外部特徵,瞭解不同空間環境對房屋價格之影響及台中市都會區空間發展型態,並驗證其於規劃建設產生的空間不穩定性。
    Locational characteristics are the determinants of house prices. While former research have examined the effects of proximity to resources and facilities have on residential property values, and the change of the importance as located regions or submarkets vary, the effects of different types of houses are rarely compared due to their dissimilarity in ways of building and ownership. Do house price effects of the same facility alter when properties are situated in different submarkets? Further, the issues of spatial non-stationarity are usually overlooked by previous studies.
    By using transaction data of two common types of residential houses in Taichung City, we found house price hot spots of both detached houses and condos in regions with major constructions and development plans. Apart from the mutual hot spots found in high land price redevelopment zones, we also discovery hot spots of detached houses in areas in proximity to these redevelopment zones. As for desirable facilities for home buyers, neighborhood schools, universities, major constructions, local markets and parks were found to have an notable price impact on condos, whereas only universities, major constructions and parks in vicinity of in detached houses can we found significant price effects, suggesting the differences in the preference of consumers in distinct regions. Also, spatial dependence and heterogeneity are verified in both types of houses, making the entire market area spatial non-stationary.
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