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Title: | 老屋健檢之政策分析 The Policy Analysis of the Old Building Inspection Plan |
Authors: | 廖珮君 Liao, Pei Chun |
Contributors: | 張金鶚 江穎慧 Chang, Chin Oh Chiang, Ying Hui 廖珮君 Liao, Pei Chun |
Keywords: | 老屋健檢 住宅性能 建物安全 都市更新 Old Building Inspection Plan Dwelling Performance Building Safety Urban Renewal |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-09 11:51:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 健康檢查有益於疾病預防及促進健康,同理而言,透過老屋健檢檢視居住安全,有助於居民選擇合適的療法防止建物持續劣化。2016年2月6日高雄美濃地震引發大眾對於建物安全的關注,根據統計顯示臺北市住宅屋齡超過20年占總量78.51%,總樓層數5層以下占總量54.36%,顯示臺北市建物以老舊公寓為主,潛藏公共安全的風險,對老舊建物進行健檢顯得迫切且必要。2013年臺北市以人體健康檢查概念首創老屋健檢計畫,健檢對居民後續行動的影響及其政策成效乃本文焦點。 本文以2013和2014年臺北市老屋健檢申請案件及屋齡20年以上之公寓大廈社區為調查樣本,從個體面探討老屋健檢對居民改善環境意願的影響以及健檢與否導致後續行動之機率差異,並就總體面估計政策之成本效益。研究結果顯示,曾參與健檢者有意改善環境之機率較高,居民在建物設備及外牆安全健檢結果越差時,將增加改造環境的可能性;就總體面來說,現行政策投入少量成本即獲得可觀效益,顯示老屋健檢政策應持續執行。 Physical examination is beneficial to disease prevention and health promotion. By the old building inspection plan, residents can inspect building environment, prevent the deterioration of the building, and cure disease in an appropriate way. 0206 earthquake caused many deaths, which has aroused the widespread social concern on building safety. According to the official statistics, there are 885,340 housing units in Taipei, about 78.51% of which are over 20 years old, about 54.36% of which are five-storey building or below. It is indicated that older building threaten public safety in Taipei. Hence, it is necessary and urgent to inspect ageing building. The old building inspection plan was held in 2013, which are a Taiwan`s first policy. The objectives of this paper are to inspect whether the old building inspection can influence the aspiration of residents improve the building environment, and to examine the effects of the old building inspection plan. The samples of the study include: (1) the ageing buildings which have been involved in the old building inspection plan from 2013 to 2014;(2) the condominiums of 20 years old or above. At first, this paper aims to examine the effects of the old building inspection plan on residents` willingness, then discuss the probability on environment improving before and after joining the program. Finally, we calculate the effectiveness of policy. Empirical results demonstrate that residents who have been involved the plan are more willing to improve the environment. Building equipment and exterior walls performance are worse, residents are more willing to transform the environment. Finally, tremendous effect could be obtained by adding little cost under the support of current policy. It clearly showed that the old building inspection plan should be consistently carried on. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系 101257018 |
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