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    Title: 臺灣勞工肌肉骨骼傷痛問題與對策之研究─以大台北地區物流業為例
    Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders and its Policy Implications ─ Take the logistics industry in greater Taipei as an example
    Authors: 危泰焌
    Wei, Tai Chun
    Contributors: 劉梅君
    Liu, Mei Chun
    Wei, Tai Chun
    Keywords: 肌肉骨骼疾病
    Musculoskeletal Disorders
    Occupational Safety and Health
    Logistics industry
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-09 11:50:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在台灣人口逐漸老化的情況下,如何延緩勞動者退出就業市場,攸關台灣的社會保險、年金體系及照顧體系之存續,但要勞工能夠延後退休,先決條件是身體健康與否,因此勞工的健康狀況,就不僅僅是個人問題,而是台灣社會面臨的整體危機。主管職業健康的各部門,未能意識到每個政策對於整體勞動生產力,之於經濟發展和社會福利、保險的深遠影響,以致於過度聚焦於對於勞工個人影響的層面,而缺乏思考這些行動背後,對於國家整體的宏觀意義
    Taiwan population is rapidly aging. How to persuade workers to delay withdrawing from employment market becomes an urgent challenge because this concern has significant implications to our social insurance, the annuity system and healthcare system. Therefore, the health of workers is not just a personal issue, but a public concern that everyone in this society needs to face. Government officials in charge of healthcare policy are not yet aware of its profound impact on labor productivity, economic development, social welfare and social insurance. Policy wise, we put too much attention on individual health promotion while lose sight of its macro impact.
    MSD, either caused by work or gene, inflicted many European workers, so that the EU actively deal with this issue with the hope that workers are able to stay longer around the labor market as long as possible. This study finds through the interview that workers of the logistics industry in Taipei endure heavy work-load, long working time, and often time have high rate of presenteeism (the tendency of workers to go to work when they are ill enough to stay at home), causing the logistics industry to have not only high exit rate but also high risk of MSD.
    Therefore, we have to promote the MSD concept, improve labor conditions and reduce presenteeism. For example employers have to include MSD into their pre-employment training courses for those new entrants, to reduce the hours of working time and to decrease presenteeism through providing subsidy to those who suffer from MSD. The government then has to build up a more complete MSD database, and introduces the concept of MSD and its preventive practice through seminars or workshops. Employers have key roles and duty in this issue. Specifically, they have to adopt as well as carry out preventive measures, and take quick actions whenever incidence of MSD occurs in the frontline of workplace. In addition, they have to improve working conditions and institutionalize those intervention measures. Workers then need to actively participate in MSD policy discussion other than maintaining a healthy life style. Workers, employers, health care system and social welfare system have a cause to this joint effort in keeping workers in Taiwan as healthy as possible so that every nationals can Fit For Work.
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