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Title: | 護理人員勞動權益保障之研究-以美國凱薩醫療機構之經驗為例 The Study of The Protection on Nursing’s Working Conditions: Reviewing The Case of Kaiser Permanente and Its Implication. |
Authors: | 游智容 Yu, Chih Jung |
Contributors: | 劉梅君 Liu, Mei Chun 游智容 Yu, Chih Jung |
Keywords: | 護理人員 勞動條件 夥伴關係 勞動權益 團體協約 Nursing Working Conditions labor-Mangament Partenship Labor Rights Collective Agreement |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-09 11:50:04 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國護理人員長期承擔沈重的工作規章及照顧壓力,卻無力改變不公平的工作規則及提升勞動條件,主要係因法律規範無法被落實,及依護理師相關規定,護理人員有義務加入護理師公會,且護理師公會重要任務之一係為保障會員權益,惟該會目前並未積極爭取執業現場的工作權益;此外,我國目前並無一強而有力為護理人員發聲的工會團體,以致於護理人員落入長期被資方壓迫及無法伸張權益的窘境,本研究引進美國凱薩醫療機構(Kaiser Permanente)有關勞方藉由展現團結實力,與資方進行對等協商及建立勞資夥伴關係,成功地改善勞方的勞動條件及協助資方穩定事業經營的成功經驗,提出改善我國護理人員困境的解決方法。 凱薩醫療機構過去曾經因為經營危機而曾不當的削減工作機會及緊縮在職者的勞動條件,旗下勞工所屬的各工會因危機意識而結盟,與資方進行整合式利益協商,先與資方取得對等夥伴關係的共識後,以簽訂《團體協約》保障受僱者的工作權及勞動條件為目標,並協助醫院推動績效改善及醫療品質方案,10餘年以來成效相當顯著。究其成功原因,除了將經營危機化為建立夥伴關係轉機外,係因:1.勞方團結實力強大,足以確保對等的勞資夥伴關係;2.勞方了解勞資夥伴關係是動態的勢力均衡,懂得適時保持平衡;3.維持衡平的夥伴關係,有利具焦協商及取得共識。 觀察個案經驗後獲得以下啟示:我國醫療產業下的多數受僱者及院方,都將前述護理人員困境的問題怪罪於全民健康保險,但研究結果顯示,勞資雙方仍可主動為醫療勞動環境及醫療品質改善問題進行意見交換及進行合作。凱薩醫療機構的勞方為團結實力強大的工會組織,但我國護理人員目前並未有一強而有力的工會團體,另在我國現行護理人員法規制度下,護理師公會是擁有最多現職護理人員的組織,其保障會員的功能卻較少。 本篇研究結果的建議有1.護理人員:勞工應慎重審視自己參加工會的權利,並且做出行動及積極參與。2.團結組織(護理師公會):公會應多聆聽數基層護理人員的心聲,理解其困境,並進行組織轉型以強調保障會員勞動條件與工作尊嚴為重要任務。另外為維持護理人員的團結實力,可多舉辦勞動意識研習,加強提升護理人員的團結權意識,提升與雇主對談的實力。3.醫療院所:醫院應摒除過去先估算經營利潤後,有多餘部分,才回饋給勞工的邏輯,短期內以落實勞動基準法保障規範為基本底線,長期則以改善醫護工作者的勞動困境,再增聘足夠的醫護人力為目標。鑑於個案的成功經驗,對等的勞資夥伴關係是醫院永續營運及提升經營績效不可或缺之關鍵,醫院未來應與工會進行誠信協商,讓護理人員對於工作環境感到安心,以願意繼續留在醫療職場上,為提升醫療環境品質付出心力,讓病患衍生信賴感願意再就醫,從而創造醫病之間、勞資關係之間雙贏的局面。 Nurses in Taiwan have long endured strict work rules and heavy pressure of providing care. However, they are powerless to change the unfair work rules and improve their labor conditions. This is mainly due to two reasons: 1. The law not being enforced. 2. Nurses associations, which nurses are obligated to become members of according to the law, have failed at one of their main missions – to protect members’ rights and interests. Moreover, there currently are not any powerful nurses associations that can speak out for nurses. In light of the dilemma of nurses who are not able to exercise their rights because of long-term oppression from employers, this study proposes to learn from the successful experience of employees of Kaiser Permanente who unite together to negotiate with management and build partnership with them. The outcome is nurses did successfully improve labor conditions and help management stabilize business operations. Kaiser Permanente had once improperly cut down the number of nurses and worse still lowered labor conditions due to a crisis in the past. The awareness of this crisis led unions of Kaiser Permanente’s employees to consider to form an alliance, so that they could collectively bargain with management. After building a consensus to form an equal partnership with management, they are able to sign a collective agreement to protect their work rights and labor conditions of employees, and at the same time assisted the medical center with performance improvement and medical quality plans with great success in over a decade. Besides transforming the crisis into an opportunity for forming a partnership, the reason they were successful was because: (1) Laborers were strongly united so that they have the strength to form an equal partnership with management; (2) Laborers understand that their labor-management partnership is in a dynamic balance and they know how to suitably maintain the balance; (3) Maintaining a balanced partnership helps them focus on negotiations and reach a consensus. Most nurses in the medical industry and hospitals in Taiwan blame the National Health Insurance for the dilemma. However research shows that labor and management can still exchange opinions and work together to improve the labor conditions and medical quality in the medical industry. Unions of Kaiser Permanente’s employees formed a powerful alliance, while there is no such alliance for nurses in Taiwan. Moreover, under current laws and regulations, nursing professional association have the most current nurses, but they provide little protection for the rights of their members. Recommendations of this study are as follows: (1) Nurses: Laborers should carefully examine their rights to join union and take action to actively participate. (2) Nursing professional associations: they should listen to the opinions of front-line nurses and understand their circumstances, and broaden their mission to include the protection of labor conditions and decent work as their main goal. Also, to maintain the unity of nurses, these associations should organize labor awareness workshops to strengthen the unity of nurses, and thereby increase their bargaining power with employers. (3) Medical institutions: Hospitals should stick to the core value as non-profit organizations that are not profit-driven but share with employees and comply with the requirements set forth in the Labor Standards Act by firstly improving labor conditions of existing medical personnel and then hire more staffs to deal with the nurse shortage challenge. In light of the successful experience of the case presented, an equal partnership between labor and management is the key to sustainable operation and performance improvement of hospitals. Hospitals should negotiate with nurses associations based on good faith to let nurses feel secure about their working environment, and be willing to stay in the medical industry and dedicate their efforts to improving medical quality. This will gain trust from patients and make patients willing to return in the future, creating a win-win situation for doctors and patients, as well as labor and management. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 勞工研究所 98262009 |
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