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    Title: 台灣赴非志工旅遊之健康促進與反思-愛女孩計畫個案研究
    Health Promotion and Voluntourism from Taiwan to Africa: A Reflexive Case Study of Love Binti
    Authors: 王品軒
    Wang, Isabel
    Contributors: 林怡潔
    Lin, Yi Chieh
    Isabel Wang
    Keywords: 非政府組織
    non-governmental organization
    health communication
    participant observation
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-09 11:47:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究探討台灣非政府組織愛女孩計畫志工在肯亞的性別特定健康宣導活動。宣導主要在傳授布衛生棉製作技術給非洲婦女,並且教導其正確經期衛生管理知識。有鑒於經期管理為女孩轉變為女人重要里程碑;然而,在這件事之上的複雜性仍缺乏充分研究。基於參與觀察,這項質化研究探索健康促進傳播的利用與分析和該計畫旅遊志工角色在行程中的作用。此外,研究人員還利用田野筆記,深入與愛女孩在肯亞進行人道主義援助相關者的訪談(如志願者,組織者,資助者)。三個探測水平包括影響健康傳播不同的因素:個人層面(例如價值觀,態度),社會結構(社區,政府),以及跨文化的水平。這項研究期許賦予以社區為基礎的活動可提升貧困非洲人口自立。同時,融入了志願者旅遊理論,愛女孩計畫建立在改善健康,提高生存機會,並讓當地人實際參與決策過程。
    This study delves into a gender-specific health campaign in Kenya by Love Binti, a self-identified Taiwanese organized voluntary group. The campaign targets at transferring techniques of reusable sanitary pad making and teaching African women the correct knowledge about menstruation. Menstruation is a landmark event signifying the transition of young girls into womanhood; yet, the added complexity of the event occurring in a developing area remains understudied. Based on participant observation, this study is a qualitative analysis exploring the utilization of health promotion strategies and analyzes the role of volunteer tourism via Love Binti’s itineraries to its target audiences in the Kitale Province of Western Kenya. Besides participant observation, the researcher also utilizes field notes, and in-depth interviews with Love Binti’s stakeholders (e.g. volunteers, organizers, funders) performing humanitarian aids in Kenya. Three probed levels include different factors that affect health communication: personal level (e.g. values, attitudes), social structural (community, government), and cross-cultural levels. This study casts light on the process of empowering the underprivileged African population in community-based projects. While incorporating theories from volunteer tourism, the projects are established for the at-risk population of improving health, increasing life opportunities, and participating in the decision-making process.
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