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    Title: 女生跑起來! 企業、媒體與路跑中的女性
    Girls, Run! Business, Media, and Women in Road Running
    Authors: 林政穎
    Lin, Cheng Ying
    Contributors: 劉昌德
    Liu, Chang De
    Lin, Cheng Ying
    Keywords: 女性路跑
    female road running
    media representation
    marketing strategies
    road running actors
    Taiwanese road running
    lifestyle sport
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-09 11:47:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,短距離的主題式路跑風行全台,女性,過去被視為運動中的弱勢、附屬角色開始吸引運動設備商的目光,舉辦限定女性參加的路跑活動。本研究探討台灣的路跑刊物如何再現運動中的女性,著重在路跑女性的特色、性別權力關係和身體美學價值,選擇兩種不同讀者定位(女性和一般大眾)的路跑書籍和雜誌,共十二個文本做文本分析,另外深度訪談路跑活動中的相關能動者,包括運動雜誌編輯、路跑行銷人員,試圖了解女性路跑的行銷策略。
    Short distance running with diverse themes, compared with traditional marathons, has become popular all over Taiwan in recent years. Women whom usually are seen as a subordinate and minor group in sports have attracted sporting goods manufacturers to jump onward the bandwagon of holding female road running events. This study (1) describes how Taiwanese road running publications represent sporting women, including the characteristics, gender power relationships and body aesthetic values; and (2) explores strategies of sporting goods manufacturers, marketing companies, and media producers to construct female road running. By conducting discourse analysis and in-depth interviews, this paper compares related contents of six female road running publications and six general road running publications, as well as interviews road running related actors, including magazine editors, and road running organizers. The results indicate that Taiwanese female road running publications represent females with a bright, confident image, and possessing of a vivid personality and strong presence, thereby lauding a highly feminine body aesthetic. Meanwhile, these publications emphasize an appropriately muscular, lean female body, which renders a new interpretation for the word “femininity”. The ratio of women’s exposure in female road running publications is significantly higher than that in general road running publications. Nevertheless, the self-empowerment of women in female road running publications compromise the traditional gender order. Besides, sporting goods manufacturers and the media enjoy an intimate relationship and co-construct female road running into a fashionable and lifestyle sport, attracting various business powers involved. Under the influence of sporting goods manufacturers, sponsors and media producers, road running has become a popular leisure activity and a gendered practice for middle class urban women.
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