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    政大機構典藏 > 資訊學院 > 資訊科學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/99803
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    Title: 基植於NFC系統之匿名行動付款協定之研究與改良
    An Improvement on an NFC-based Anonymous Mobile Payment Protocol
    Authors: 陳尚文
    Chen, Shang Wen
    Contributors: 左瑞麟
    Tso, Ray Lin
    Chen, Shang Wen
    Keywords: NFC
    Anonymous payment
    mobile payment
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-09 11:24:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著無線上網和行動通訊的蓬勃發展,以及對應的智慧型手機及平板的普及化,使得行動商務越來越盛行,但是行動商務在線上交易中常忽略使用者的匿名性,使得使用者容易被追蹤,因此2014年羅等人提出了一個基於NFC系統的匿名行動付款系統,運用了有NFC技術的手機,以安全元件搭配可信賴執行環境架構出一個具有匿名性的行動付款服務,改良了以往在行動支付時,使用者身份有可能在傳輸過程中遭到竊聽洩漏的可能性。在其協定中,傳輸過程中全部以虛擬代號傳輸以達到匿名性。但其協定內容仍有著諸如將公開金鑰系統之密鑰對混用在加解密部份以及數位簽章部份,造成有可能偽造簽章之風險;傳輸過程冗餘部份過多造成傳輸效率不佳等數個問題存在。本論文透過將公開金鑰和對稱式金鑰用途區分開,公開金鑰對只用於數位簽章,而對稱式金鑰只用於加解密以防止偽造簽章;減少傳輸冗餘部份以提高傳輸效率;同時也提供使用者可以變更匿名交易帳號的選擇,藉此達到不可連結性;此外,交易中完全沒有傳輸使用者真實資訊,只使用虛擬帳號以達到匿名性;傳輸之加密訊息內附有數位簽章可達成不可否認性;且協定和EMV標準相容,因此無需攜帶傳統現金等即可交易以達成便利性。
    Following the developments in wireless online and mobile communications, M-commerce has become increasingly popular. However, it ignores users’ anonymity in online transactions such that users can easily to be traced. In 2014, Luo et al. proposed an NFC-based anonymous mobile payment protocol system. It used an NFC-enabled cellphone and combined a built-in secure element (SE) and trusted execution environment to build an anonymous mobile payment service. It prevented the disclosure of the user’s identity by using a virtual instead of the real identity during the transmission. But the protocol is problematic in several respects. For example, it mixes the use of the same key-pair of public-key cryptography for both encryption and digital signature. Moreover, it could cause the risk of signature forging; and it contains some redundant parts in the transmission that cause worse transmission efficiency. In this research, we redesign the protocol by separating the use of the key-pair to avoid signature forging. We use a key-pair of public-key cryptography for digital signature and a key of symmetric-key cryptography for encryption. We reduce the redundant parts to improve transmission efficiency, and alter the virtual transaction account to optionally achieve unlinkability. Besides, we only use virtual accounts in the process, thereby preventing attackers from obtaining users’ information even if the message is eavesdropped. In our message, we use a signature to achieve non-repudiation. Our protocol is compatible with the EMV standard, so the user only requires an NFC-enabled cellphone instead of cash for transactions.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102753021
    Data Type: thesis
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