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    Title: 創立PROTPMS公司的商業企劃書
    Business Plan for PROTPMS Inc.
    Authors: 潘雅龍
    Pombo, Alonso
    Contributors: 吳文傑
    Wu, Jack
    Pombo, Alonso
    Keywords: PROTPMS
    Tire pressure
    Tire safety
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-09 10:49:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Safety is an issue that concerns everyone worldwide. This issue resulted in the creation of diverse mechanisms and regulations in different industries which try to ensure the wellbeing of users. In the automobile industry, besides the normal norms involving the structure of the vehicles themselves, new regulations are constantly being enforced worldwide related to the safety of tires. After many years of studies, tires were found to be the leading cause for accidents, although due to the role and many alien factors, they could not be directly held responsible for such. Nevertheless, this not fully proven belief changed in the year 2000 with the enactment of the TREAD Act. The TREAD Act laid a new set of rules for the industry. It mandated detailed regulation for the automobile itself as well as the tires. Hence, it opened a new window of opportunity for those willing to invest in an industry, which back in those days, consisted solely of the sale of efficient tires, but not of the safety that could be monitored. As mandated in the Act, vehicle manufacturers must equip 20 percent of their 2006 model year vehicles with Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS). The number would increase to 70 percent by 2007 and 100 percent by 2008. Hence, this new market quickly flooded with players, becoming very mature, but now, the original sensors are calling for replacement, and a new frontier has opened.
    Foreseeing this opportunity as well as the will to disrupt a market with few innovations, ProTPMS was founded in 2013. From that year onward, the company has successfully created a series of products which have been accepted by the public and recognized for their quality. The company itself has had steady sales since its launch but is far from maximizing its potential. In order to achieve this, a combination of efforts involving intense marketing, higher sales budgets, the creation of a strong sales force, and strategic alliances must be created. Moreover, market expansion must be steady but planned for the short run, since competitors are catching up with technology, which is the company’s advantage. If all this is followed, the company should enjoy the benefits of good profits and obtain a significant market share.
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