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Title: | 探討跨境網購購買意圖之決定因素 Exploring the deterministic factors of purchase intention of cross-border online shopping |
Authors: | 黃鵬蒨 Huang, Peng Chien |
Contributors: | 李有仁 Li, Eldon Y. 黃鵬蒨 Huang, Peng Chien |
Keywords: | 跨境線上購物 跨境網購 整合性科技接受模式 購買意圖 消費者導向 Cross-border Online Shopping Unified Theory Of Acceptance And Use Of Technology Purchase Intention Determinants Of Purchase Intention |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-09 10:45:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 由於網際網路無邊界、無時間限制等特點,電子商務現已跨越了國界,企業直接向海外拓展新的市場,過去調查顯示進行跨境線上購物(跨境網購)的消費趨勢逐年上升,淘寶網雙十一購物節活動掀起國內消費者到海外網站購物的潮流,如此跨越國界的跨境網購方式已漸漸為民眾所熟悉,跨境網購的蓬勃發展顯示消費者網購行為的新趨勢,而如何吸引消費者持續使用便是企業的一大考驗,因此本研究欲尋找影響消費者使用跨境網購之決定因素。 本研究以整合性科技接受模式作為基礎,並結合其他電子商務議題,擴展使用意圖決定因素之面向,共整理成「買家因素」、「賣家因素」、「社群因素」、「環境因素」四大群組,並探討「性別」、「年齡」「收入」、「產品類別」與「娛樂型/目標型購物導向」之於各構念對購買意圖的影響是否具有調節效果。本研究採用問卷調查方式進行實徵研究,欲探討使用過跨境網購之消費者,其體現的跨境網購價值與其他影響購買意圖之因素。本研究採用SmartPLS(partial least squares)為分析工具。研究結果顯示在買家因素中的「價格敏感度」、「信任」與「自我效能」,賣家因素中的「購物方便性」與「商品價格」,對跨境網購購買意圖具有顯著影響,調節變數則對部分構念對跨境網購購買意圖的影響之中具有調節效果。 E-commerce is now crossing national borders, and business is seeking new opportunities directly into overseas markets. Recent survey shows that the trend of cross-border online shopping is increasing year by year. How to retain oversea consumers is challenging to enterprises. To solve the problem, this study is looking for factors which will affect the purchase intention of consumers in cross-border online shopping. This study tried to examine the values of cross-border online shopping which consumers have experienced by empirical research. The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) is taken as the basis of this study, and it was largely transformed to a new model combing other issues about e-commerce. Divided into four domains, “buyer factors”, ”seller factors”, “social factors” and “environmental factors” are examined in this study. “Gender”, “age”, “income” and “product type” are considered to cause moderating effects on the influence between those factors and purchase intention. The result indicates that consumers with high hedonic shopping orientation or high economic orientation show high purchase intention of cross-border online shopping. Consumers are proved to focus on shopping convenience and making good deals. Finally, moderators do have moderating effects on the relationship between purchase intention and some specific constructs. |
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