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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/99762
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    Title: 在區域經濟競合發展中以資通科技為輔的海運快遞的研究-以台北港及平潭島為例
    A Research into the ICT-aided Maritime Express under the Development of Regional Economy-Taipei Port and PingTan Island
    Authors: 趙凱康
    Chao, Kie Kang
    Contributors: 姜國輝
    Chaing, Kuo Huie
    Chao, Kie Kang
    Keywords: 區域經濟
    Regional Economy
    Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)
    Maritime Express
    Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement
    Bar Code
    Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID)
    Taipei Port、 Pingtan Island
    Fourth Party Logistics (4PL)
    Qualitative Research
    One Belt One Road
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-09 10:44:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文最大的貢獻就是平潭海運快遞是台灣經濟的另一條新的生命線,是救台灣經濟最便捷的路。台灣過去二十八年來,自斷筋脈,自廢武功,經濟落後成為亞洲四小龍之末。台灣應該把大陸的善意化成台灣經濟的動力和外貿的新商機。台灣視中國大陸為國外與境外,建議應在平潭設置境外倉儲,台灣的商品經由平潭海運快遞、透過跨境電商,再搭配平潭一帶一路,銷售到全中國各地,台灣不再是孤島,不再是失業島,台灣經濟可以再振興十年、甚至二十年。一海之隔, 台北港與福建省平潭島隔著台灣海峽為台灣本島到大陸沿岸最近的兩個港口,也是世界上唯一可以開發海運快遞(海運快件)的兩個國家的港口。由於地理位置絕佳且都屬大陸同一個「東南區」經濟區域,商品貨物由台北港到平潭島之間經由海運快遞只要三小時, 再經由第四方物流的運輸快速地運往全中國內陸及台灣全島。如何本著互相競爭與合作共創雙贏的市場經濟思維,加速開發台北港與平潭島之間的海運快遞服務,有助於擴展兩岸商業契機與經濟貿易。對兩岸的業者提供另一個最佳也是最好的快遞選擇。我國政府為加強海峽兩岸經貿關係,促進服務貿易自由化,依據「海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議」及世界貿易組織「服務貿易總協定」,財團法人海峽交流基金會與海峽兩岸關係協會經平等協商,於中華民國一百零三年與大陸達成海峽兩岸服務貿易協議。但是在海峽兩岸服務貿易協議中只有提到海運與空運服務業,快遞部分只有提到陸地運送部分,並未提到海峽兩岸海運快遞的服務,因此更加深了本研究探討海峽兩岸海運快遞的研究價值。本研究目的是運用個案研究和質性研究中的深度訪談法,了解目前海運快遞所需之清關,並探討將條碼技術和無線射頻識別技術導入海運快遞流程中以加速清關服務,將自動檢位系統在台北港和平潭島快遞專區裡興建,貨物可以由平潭島及台北港直接接內陸運輸運送往目的地收件人手中,以及探討第四方物流進駐台北港和平潭島提供真正一條龍的服務之可行性。研究結果顯示影響海關清關速度不僅僅是資通科技,自動檢位系統,和第四方物流的進駐。兩岸邊境管制、信息互通、海運快遞體量、航班密集度、穩定性、通道常態化、信息化技術、平潭海快中心場所、運營主體實力、投資環、人力支援都與清關速度有著直接密切的關係。海運快遞透過一帶一路也可能帶來許多商機,能帶來更多跨境電商的商機。至於說台灣加入區域全面經濟伙伴關係(RCEP)、和亞投行對海運快遞的也有正面的影響。跨境電商的興起提高了海運快遞的貨量,也帶動了平潭島的發展。兩岸相關單位應該善用資通科技,才可以加速海運快遞的通關,以及後續運輸的業務。同時在台北港和平潭島自由貿易區興建境外倉儲提供給兩岸的跨境電商業者使用。海運快遞帶來跨境電商的商機,跨境電商也造就了O2O (Offline to Online) 展銷的新的營運模式。大陸應著重平潭到國內其他地方陸運快遞的推展。台灣更應重視台灣境外的跨境電商。專業人才進駐平潭島與台北港,海運快遞和跨境電商蓬勃發展指日可待。
    The major contribution of this thesis is the PingTan-Taipei Maritime Express. It represents a new life line to Taiwan economics and serves as the fastest way to save the economy of Taiwan. Taiwan has been lacking behind and has since come in last position amongst the countries known as the Four Asian Tigers (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea) due to its poor economic strategies that are mostly due to its bureaucracy, populism and other unexpected factors in the past 28 years.It is suggested that Taiwan should take some of China’s goodwill back to Taiwan and turn it into an economic powerhouse in order to drive foreign trade business opportunities.
    To Taiwan, China is still a foreign country; therefore, Taiwan needs to set up cross border warehouses in Pingtan with good connections to One Belt One Road in China’s railroad system. By working hard and having a strategically well executed plan through cross border e-commerce vendors, Taiwan’s goods and products can be sold to China’s major cities, which in turn will help boom Taiwan’s economy for another 10 or 20 years.
    Taipei Port and Fujian Pingtan Island are separated by a sea. The Pingtan Island is across from the Taiwan Strait and opposite the Taipei Port. It is also opposite from the mainland coast which are the nearest two ports. These are the only two countries to develop maritime express in the world. Since it is in an excellent location within the same China economic region (Southeast), commodity goods from Taipei to Pingtan Island shipping by maritime express can take as little as three hours. The goods can then quickly be transported to China’s inland and Taiwan Island transportation via the fourth party logistics providers. The spirit of competition and cooperation with each other to create a win-win market in economic thinking is essential. It helps accelerate the development of maritime express between Taipei port and Pingtan Island. This expands both cross strait economic, trade and business opportunities. The industries will benefit on both sides to provide the best express delivery options. The vision of the Taiwanese government is to strengthen cross strait economic and trade relations while also promoting services in free trade.
    Based on the ECFA and the WTO’s GATS(General Agreement on Trade in Services), Taiwanese Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) and Chinese Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) have reached “Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement” with each other through equal consultation in 2014. “Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement”, however, only mentioned sea and air transport services. Express delivery services are only mentioned as part of the land and did not mention cross-strait maritime express services.
    Therefore, our study to investigate the maritime express becomes more valuable. The purpose of this study is to use case study and qualitative research depth interviews to further understand the current maritime express of the required customs clearance. We will explore the possibility of deploying bar code and radio frequency identification technologies into the maritime express processes, to accelerate customs clearance services, and to deploy auto-sort equipment at Taipei Port and PingTan Island express zone respectively.
    The shipments can be directly connected by the Pingtan Island (or Taipei) inland. This will ensure transport to the right destination at the hands of the consignees. We should also study the feasibility of providing one-stop services by the fourth party logistics providers at Pingtan Island and Taipei Port.
    The results from depth interviews indicate the key factors that influence customs clearance are not only ICT、auto sort system、and the fourth party logistics vendor stationed in the express center but also border control、information exchange、maritime express shipment volume、sea flights intensity、sea flight stability、sea flight channel normalization、information technology、Pingtan Island express center optimization、4PL vendor capability、Pingtan Island environment optimization、human resources (talent staffs)。Other factors that have some or many positively influence to maritime express are One Belt One Road、Cross Boarder E-Commerce vendors、Taiwan to join RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) and AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank).
    The rise of Cross-Boarder E-Commerce helps increasing maritime shipment volume and the development of Pingtan Island. Taiwan and China government should build overseas warehouses in the Free Trade Zone to support Cross-Boarder E-Commerce. Maritime express between Taipei Port and Pingtan Island brings many Cross-Boarder E-Commerce business opportunities and Cross-Boarder E-Commerce also develops a new O2O (offline to online) business model.
    It is suggested that China should be more focusing on the deployment of domestic land express and high speed railroads, Taiwan should be more focusing on overseas Cross-Boarder E-Commerce. It is also imperative to suggest both local related parties to make good use of ICT to accelate customs clearance and subsequent transporation business. Last but not the least, if we have more talent staffs relocated to Pingtan and Taipei Port, the Maritime Express and Cross-Boarder E-Commerce are expected to grow significantly in the future.
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    56. 2014年4月14日訂定公佈「海運進口應稅快遞貨物預繳稅費保證金徵稅作業規定」,為規範快遞貨物稅費以預繳稅費保證金線上扣繳之作業規定。
    57. 2014年6月6日修正公佈「海關管理進出口貨棧辦法」第22條、「海關管理貨櫃集散站辦法」第7條及「運輸工具進出口通關管理辦法」第29條、5第37條之1、第84條:,以配合海運快遞貨物預先申報制度,增訂海運快遞貨物艙單應在抵港前2小時前傳輸完成,及其短溢卸報告應在進倉後1日內提出。
    58. 2014年4月平潭綜合實驗區優惠政策(摘要) 平潭綜合實驗區管委會。
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