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Title: | 音樂著作權侵害之研究 A Study of Music Copyright Infringement |
Authors: | 楊兒璇 Yang, Er Hsuan |
Contributors: | 李治安 邱奕嘉 Lee, Jyh An Chiu, Yi Chia 楊兒璇 Yang, Er Hsuan |
Keywords: | 音樂著作 公共領域 合理使用 著作權 思想與表達二分原則 錄音著作 數位取樣 實質近似原則 原創性 musical works public domain fair use copyright idea-expression dichotomy sound recording sampling originality substantial similarity |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-03 13:30:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2015年美國訴訟研究分析公司Lex Machina發布了一份報告,對美國聯邦地區法院從2009年1月至2015年6月的著作權訴訟進行了數據歸納和分析。值得注意的是,根據報告數據,在傳統的著作權案件中,音樂產業涉及的案件最多,由此可見音樂著作相關爭議之重要性。 過去,音樂的創作與傳承,多使用手寫記譜法或口述的方式傳承,創作上亦多受制於演奏樂器的音域、音量、音色的種種限制。然而,由於科技的創新,改變了現今音樂創作的模式,大大降低了過去技術門檻的限制,使大眾能夠很容易的透過音樂軟體擷取樂曲的電子音訊,進一步抄襲或改編原旋律,進而推升了音樂相關的爭議。現今,音樂相關之訴訟方興未艾,惟對於音樂侵害之認定,實務見解莫衷一是,使得判決結果的預測判斷上,存在著有高度不確定性。此外,音樂著作具有高度的藝術主觀性,因此在進入訴訟判斷時,常激起來自於藝術界與法律界的對立拉扯。是以,藝術自由與著作權保障的平衡,已成為實務上急需解決的問題。 本論文針對美國音樂侵害之實務見解做深入研究,觀察錄音與音樂著作兩種著作類型實務運作結果的異同,亦探討音樂著作案件在適用不同測試法及判斷標準下之衍生問題,另從音樂理論的角度,去分析歸納判決內容。此外,本文探討合理使用原則不同音樂著作類型之適用,尋找藝術文化與著作權保障之間的平衡點。 期望能藉由本論文,搭起一座連結音樂與法律的橋樑,能對於產業參與者、立法者以及後續研究論著有所助益,亦期使法界能對於藝術自由與著作權保護,有更深一層之理解與體會。 According to a report issued by Lex Machina, which analyzed and categorized cases of copyright infringement judged by the U.S. District Courts from January 1st, 2009 to June 30th, 2015, cases that relate to music industry have been the majority within conventional copyright litigations.
The increment of music litigations can be attributed to the technological revolution of composing musical works. In the past, the range, the volume and the timbre of the musical instruments had restrained the composition of musical works. However, the new musical software has diversified the way of making music and its accessibility to the public has significantly lowered the cost and technical requirements of composing music; people can easily acquire and tweak a portion of an existing musical work and make a “new” one. This phenomenon has boosted up a number of musical litigations. Nonetheless, in the meantime, a legal consensus towards musical infringements remains unsettled, which has exacerbated the contradiction between creative freedom and lawful protection of copyrights.
This essay aims to bridge the gap described above by starting with analyzing cases of musical infringement in the U.S.A. It will further discuss two different types of making music, i.e. sound recording and composing, and the risks of adopting different standards of judgment followed by a study and categorization for existing verdicts in terms of musical fundamentals. The last portion of this essay will discuss the feasibility of applying fair use to different types of musical creation, attempting to find a balance between creative freedom for musical works and copyright justice. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 103364207 |
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