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    Title: 九年級生使用英語電子繪本之可供性探究 - 以新北市一所私立中學為例
    Affordance Of English Electronic Picture Books For The Ninth Graders - A Case Study In A Private High School In New Taipei City
    Authors: 許瀞文
    Hsu, Ching Wen
    Contributors: 黃怡萍
    Huang, Yi Ping
    Hsu, Ching Wen
    Keywords: 可供性
    electronic English picture books
    shared reading
    extensive reading
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-03 13:29:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討九年級學生對於在英文課使用英語電子繪本的看法。本研究不僅探索學習者在閱讀英語電子繪本學習過程中認定的可供性,並縱向觀察學習者在時間軸下的英文認知和情意面項變化以及探究造成此變化背後原因,藉此以期盼提出適切的應用方法。
    This research aims to investigate how the ninth graders’ perspectives towards the implementation of English electronic picture books in English class. In particular, it explores not only the affordance perceived by learners in the process of reading electronic English picture books but also observes learners’ cognitive and affective changes of English learning across time.
    Adopting a qualitative case study design, this research recruited two Taiwanese male ninth graders from one class in a private high school in New Taipei City taught by the teacher researcher. This class was taught how to read electronic picture books once a month for four months. Every reading class was divided into two parts: (1) in shared reading, the instructor guided reading through employing an electronic English picture book with distinct levels of multimedia features (a total of four picture books were used); (2) in extensive reading, the instructor provided leaners with websites where there were different electronic English picture books for learners to choose so that they could read materials autonomously. The data collected for the research included questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, stimulated recalls, student written feedback, and classroom observations.
    The important findings are listed as follows. First, learners’ English was facilitated through interaction with the instructor, the peers, and the reading materials and assessment. Second, through the interdependent function of the three affordances, learners have changed in the presence of cognitive domain (phonological awareness, auditory impact, lexical development, and trans-literacy) and affective domain (interest, motivation, confidence and autonomy). Although there were positive and negative changes in the reading process of the implementation of electronic English picture books with different multimedia levels, the three affordances functioned consistently, fostering English learning.
    Based on the research findings, six pedagogical suggestions are provided. First, the two participants advised to incorporate electronic picture books English reading into English curriculum so that learners would have more chances for being immersed in electronic English picture books when learning English in regular courses. Second, it is necessary for instructors to provide learners with electronic English picture books close to their real life and corresponding to their levels, which is helpful in increasing learners’ opportunities of English reading and learning as well. Third, the instructors were advised to change their roles according to learners’ learning conditions. Fourth, the instructors should provide learners more self-reading time in class. Fifth, they could arrange seats according to leaners’ English proficiency and learning attitude. Sixth, the instructors could activate teaching activities with electronic English picture books, such as small-group discussions, competitions, role-play, reader’s theater, and dramas.
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