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    Title: 極右派政黨與荷蘭的移民政策
    The Far-right Parties and the Migration Policy in the Netherlands
    Authors: 陳柏良
    Contributors: 姜家雄
    Keywords: 極右政黨
    Far-right parties
    Dutch politics
    Party for Freedom
    Geert Wilders
    Dutch migration policy
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-03 11:32:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來許多歐洲國家的極右派政黨打著反移民與反歐洲整合之主張,受到國內民眾的支持度越來越高。然而也有些國家如荷蘭的極右派政黨之表現卻正好相反,其支持率於2010年達到高峰後便逐年下降。本論文旨在探討荷蘭極右派政黨發展之歷史、荷蘭移民政策在「自由黨」於2006年創黨前後是否發生轉變,及其在創黨後至2014年年底為止中三次國會大選中所取得之成果,且勝選後又如何依其政見主導荷蘭移民政策之產出。

    With their political ideologies strongly against immigrants and further integration of European Union, many far-right parties across Europe have been gaining more supports than ever in recent years, while the electoral outcomes for some far-right parties appear to be totally opposite. For instance, Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV) in the Netherlands only reached its peak of political success in 2010, after which less and less supports from the public have been shown. To know better of such an unusual circumstance, not only the development of the far-right parties in the Netherlands will be discussed, this thesis also aims to probe into the difference of Dutch migration policy before and after PVV was founded, its election results in three times of general election until the end of 2014, and how it once successfully influenced the making of Dutch migration policy.

    In addition to taking many related literatures into account, in this thesis the results of the recent three times of general election, migration policy, migration law and regulations in the Netherlands are also being analyzed with historical approach and document analysis. The finding shows that there has been no major changes to Dutch integration policy before and after PVV was founded, for they already started to change gradually from multiculturalism in 1980s to integrationism in 1990s, and ended in assimilationism in 2000s as of today. Futhermore, after PVV became the third biggest party in 2010, it also obtained the power to influence the making of Dutch migration policy by supporting the formation of minor coalition government of VVD and CDA, followed by writing its ideologies against immigrants and the EU in the coalition agreement. With such a power, PVV successfully tightened the law and regulations for immigrants, such as imposing stricter qualification for family reunion, harder cultural integration exam to pass, and longer period to enjoy social welfare and political rights.
    Reference: 中文文獻









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    Description: 碩士
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