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    Title: 獨輪車在幼兒園內的教育意涵 -奎山幼兒園幼童搬運牛奶日常活動的影像分析
    Educational Meaning of Wheelbarrow in Kindergarten - Documentary Analysis to Children’s Daily Activity of Delivering the Milk in Kui-Shan Preschool
    Authors: 曾舒萍
    Contributors: 倪 鳴 香
    Keywords: 幼兒
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-03 10:46:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究透過解析與詮釋奎山幼兒園幼童使用獨輪車來搬運牛奶的日常活動影片,來理解「獨輪車」存在於幼兒園的教育意涵。具體而言,即是以幼童透過使用獨輪車搬運牛奶的日常活動經驗為研究對象,探討該經驗如何在幼童的身體知覺、社會互動關係、勞動的身體經驗等面向上帶來學習。研究方法採「影像解讀分析」及「個人經驗訪談」兩個部分進行,前者主要從拍攝的12部幼童使用獨輪車搬運牛奶活動影片中選取其中具代表性的3部影片進行影像微觀解析;後者則訪談從奎山幼兒園直升至小學部三年級、六年級的學生各3名,共計6名,回觀其個人使用「獨輪車」之主觀經驗整。透過爬梳奎山學校歷史及創辦人熊慧英的「社會化統整性活動課程」教育理念,以及「獨輪車」在人類生活歷史演化圖像作為本研究之參照背景,以理解奎山幼兒園每日由3名幼童協同用獨輪車,在長達近400公尺的路途中為全班將「牛奶」搬回活動室的複雜任務,對幼童學習與發展的教育意涵。在資料解析與詮釋後,研究結果讓我們認識孩童共同協力推動「獨輪車」中,過程中的「衝突」將可帶來孩童間群性關係的拓展(合作、協商、解決問題)及養成觀點取替的能力;而為了能推動笨重難行的獨輪車,用力的同時孩童的身體自然會產生需要達成平衡的知覺;而象徵人類身體勞動經驗的「獨輪車」也在服務他者的搬運中,讓孩童完成以「勞動身體」作為認識自我的途徑,此也是熊慧英推動「社會化統整性活動課程」以建構幼童健全人格之教育目標所強調的一環。
    By analyzing and interpreting the documentaries of Kuei-shan Kindergarten which let children use wheelbarrow to transport milk, this thesis illustrates the educational meaning of wheelbarrow’s existence. Generally speaking, by using the daily practice of transporting milk by wheelbarrow, the study try to examine the learning process in different aspects, such as children’s perception, children’s social interaction and laboring’s body experience.
    First of all, from the perspective of wheelbarrow’s cultural history to clarify the symbolization of human laboring. In the second place, by introducing Kuei-shan Kindergarten’s 51 years history and the founder (Miss Xiong Hui-Ying)’s background, to demonstrate how she established “Socialize Integrated Curriculum ” through experiments. “Socialize Integrated Curriculum” use transporting milk as an example, to accomplish such difficult work, the three children cooperate with each other to transport the milk back to their classroom daily by nearly 400 meters way.
    In other words, by making 12 documentaries of how children transport milk by wheelbarrow, I observed the educational meaning of this daily practice. Then I picked 3 documentaries to analyze and interpret my observation. Furthermore, through the interview with 6 Kuei-shan elementary school students (3 from the third grade, 3 from the sixth grade) who graduated from Kuei-shan Kindergarten, I review the educational meaning of the practice. To sum up, the study suggests that Kindergartens should help children construct personality through “Socialize Integrated Curriculum ”,including perception, challenge, labor and sociability, in order to fulfill modern children’s needs.

    Key words: Child, Body of labor, Social Interaction,Sociability,Socialize Integrated Curriculum , wheelbarrow
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1011570131
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Graduate Institute of Early Childhood Education] Theses

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