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Title: | 知識翻新對國小四年級學生閱讀理解和寫作表現之影響 Effects of knowledge building on elementary school students’ reading comprehension and writing performance |
Authors: | 王靜華 |
Contributors: | 洪煌堯 王靜華 |
Keywords: | 閱讀理解 寫作表現 知識翻新 知識論壇 reading comprehension writing performance knowledge building Knowledge Forum |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-03 10:45:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究探討電腦支援合作知識翻新(knowledge building)活動對國小四年級學童閱讀理解與寫作表現的影響。研究對象為新北市某公立國小的兩班學生共53人。其中,實驗組(n=25)採知識翻新活動﹔控制組(n=28)採傳統講述教學活動。研究方法採準實驗設計中的「不等組前後測設計」;在為期十八週的實驗期間進行前測、實驗處理及後測。 研究資料來源包含:(1)PIRLS閱讀測驗前後測成績;(2)教學科技平台討論內容;(3)教學科技平台活動參與量;(4)寫作表現分數;(5)實驗組與控制組學生的半結構訪談;以及(6)實驗組的段考學習成績。資料分析同時使用質性與量化兩種方式。質性分析內容包括半結構訪談與平台討論內容,量化資料分析內容包含閱讀測驗成績、平台活動參與程度、以及寫作表現分數。透過多元資料分析以瞭解經過不同教學方法後,兩組學生的閱讀理解與寫作表現上是否有所差異。 研究結果顯示:(1) 知識翻新有助於提升學生的整體閱讀理解,且使用知識論壇進行閱讀理解提問,也有助於提昇學生的提問能力;(2) 知識翻新有助於提升學生整體寫作表現,且知識論壇上的貼文與討論活動也有助於改善學生的寫作品質;(3) 知識翻新能幫助學生改進其想法概念,且實驗後期於知識論壇的活動量也有呈現增加的趨勢;及(4)經過知識翻新活動後,實驗組的低學業成就學生之閱讀理解表現優於控制組的低學業成就學生,但二組在寫作方面則無顯著差異。 本研究嘗試改變過去的學習模式,透過知識翻新:鼓勵學生產生並反思想法,讓學生的學習更具主動性;及鼓勵同儕間的互助與互動以改進閱讀想法,讓學生在閱讀理解與寫作表現的成效產生正向的成長。 Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of knowledge building activities on grade-four students’ reading comprehension and writing performance. This study adopted a quasi-experimental design. In the experiment group, the participants were 25 grade-four students; in the control group, the participants were 28 grade-four students. The experiment class engaged in knowledge building and sustained ideational writing in order to enhance their writing performance (for 18 weeks). In contrast, the control group engaged in teacher-directed instruction. Data sources mainly came from: (1) pre-post PIRLS reading comprehension test; (2) students’ notes posted in Knowledge Forum; (3) students’ online discussion activities in Knowledge Forum, such as number of notes contributed, number of notes read, and number of notes built-on to other’s notes; (4) pre-post writing test; (5) semi-structured interview; and (6) student’ end-of-the-semester grades. To analyze, one-way ANCOVA, paired t-test and chi-square was employed to quantitatively examine students’ reading comprehension and writing test after the course. In addition, qualitative content analysis was also performed to evaluate the quality of students’ notes and to understand how students changed their views of ideas. The findings were as follows: (1) knowledge building pedagogy was conducive to enhancing students’ high-level reading comprehension and encouraging more in-depth questioning activities in Knowledge Forum; (2) after being engagaed in Knowledge building for a semester, students were able to demonstrate better writing performance, and more active discussion activities in the Knowledge Forum; (3) Knowledge building pedagogy changed students’ views of ideas and improved their idea generation capacity; and (4) Low achievers in the experiment group were able to demonstrate better reading comprehension than those in the control group. Overall, the findings suggested that knowledge building practice was able to help change the traditionally more authoritative and teacher-directed one-way instruction, to an alternative, more student-centered, idea generation and improvement pedagogy, that helped students attain better reading comprehension and writing performance. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 教育學系 103152006 |
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