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    Title: 官僚體系創新的動態分析:以臺北市大同區公所為例
    Analyzing the Dynamics of Bureaucratic Innovation: The Case of Tatung District, Taipei
    Authors: 林淇勻
    Contributors: 湯京平
    Keywords: 創新
    Authoritarian Leadership
    Public Sector Institution
    Government Service Award
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-03 10:42:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過去的研究多認為領導者若採用威權領導風格,對組織創新行為會有負面的影響。而本研究選擇基層公部門組織「臺北市大同區公所」進行個案研究,並觀察到該機關的領導者雖然以威權方式領導,但組織卻從各項評比落後的窘境,逐漸展現出諸多與其他區公所不同的創新服務,甚至因此獲得第六屆政府服務品質獎的殊榮。經過深入訪談及文獻分析之後,發現該機關正因為領導者重視「紀律」的威權風格,任期長又讓紀律深化落實到組織中,加上首長主動提出創新服務,並在機關內建立「制度」藉以養成同仁的創新習慣,又機關內高流動率的人力結構形成為年輕有幹勁的初任公務人力,紀律的壓力使組織成員產生團結的情誼與向心力,因此讓大同區公所在我國傳統的科層官僚體系中,成功展現出大不同的創新風貌。只可惜區公所囿於其定位與功能的限制,且官僚體系內創新的誘因制度尚未完善,因此無法將其蘊藏的創新能量發揮的淋漓盡致,目前做為引領我國政府創新改造的政府服務品質獎,也未有明確的追蹤機制,因此機關的創新作為能否內化成公部門的組織文化,仍有待後續觀察。
    While new technologies, ideas, and values keep emerging, innovation has been emphasized by public as well as private organizations to meet the expectations of their clients. Factors contributing to an innovation-oriented organization have widely been detected, seldom any studies would endorse the idea that an authoritarian leadership would facilitate the innovation. By examining the case of “Tatung District Office” of Taipei City, this study points out some conditions that actually makes an iron-fist leading style an essential contributor to successful initiatives of innovation. Through in-depth interviews and participatory observation, this study presents evidence about the effects of personal engagement of the leader and stable tenure in indoctrinating the innovation attitude to the subordinates. This study also provides some discussion on institutional settings for the bureaucratic system to avoid maintaining idle in facing rapid environmental changes.
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