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    Title: 國際傳媒之人權與責任敘事: 比較中美報紙以何框架看待敘利亞難民危機之內容分析
    A Comparative Content Analysis of Chinese and American Newspaper Framing of the Syrian Refugee Crisis
    Authors: 白莉
    Behre, Dorothy
    Contributors: 方孝謙
    Fong, Barry
    Behre, Dorothy
    Keywords: 媒體框架
    Media Framing
    Content Analysis
    Comparative Study
    Newspaper Coverage
    Crisis Communication
    Syrian Refugee Crisis
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-03 10:18:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: This study examines how two selected American and Chinese newspapers framed,
    sourced and crafted narratives attributing responsibility in the coverage of the ongoing Syrian
    Refugee Crisis. Through a content analysis of 624 news stories sampled from The New York
    Times and People’s Daily between June and December 2015, this study will examine and
    compare the frames employed by the two newspapers in the coverage of the refugee crisis. The
    ways in which framing may have changed over the selected six months in 2015 will also be
    explored, as the time period witnessed several key events, namely the death of 3-year-old Aylan
    Kurdi in September and the Paris Attacks in November, both of which sparked intense
    international media attention. The implications of these events on the framing of the refugee
    crisis will be discussed. The study will also examine how the U.S. and Chinese newspapers
    portray refugees: as individuals or as masses. The results of the content analysis reveal that
    American and Chinese news outlets frame the conflict differently and place responsibility on
    different players, in accordance to the respective countries’ policies towards the region.
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