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    Title: 非營利組織之社會行銷-以中華白絲帶關懷協會為例
    A Research on Social Marketing of Non-Profit Organizations: Taking Cyber Angel’s Pick as an Example
    Authors: 黃品嘉
    Huang, Pin Chia
    Contributors: 黃葳威
    Huang, Wei Wei
    Huang, Pin Chia
    Keywords: 社會行銷
    Social Marketing
    Non-profit organization
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-03 10:18:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究的目的是探討Kotler的社會行銷理論如何應用於非營利組織的管理。 「中華白絲帶協會」被選擇為案例研究的樣本。為了達成這一研究的目的,深度訪談和自行設計的結構式問卷被用來收集數據,並針對質量數據進行了分析,探討中華白絲帶協會社會行銷的本質。研究結果發現,Kotler的社會行銷策略成功適用於中華白絲帶協會,且這項研究的結果可以被視為其他網路安全與兒童健康相關非營利組織採用Kotler的社會行銷策略時的參考依據。
    The Purpose of this study was to explore how Kotler’s social marketing theory applies to the management of the non-profit organization. “Cyber Angel’s Pick” is selected as the sample for the case study. In order to fulfill the purpose of this study, in-depth interview and self-designed structured questionnaire were used to collect the data. Qualitative data were analyzed to explore the nature of social marketing of the Cyber Angel’s Pick. As the result of this study, Cyber Angel’s Pick has applied to the Kotler’s social marketing strategy successfully and the result of this study can be seen as a reference to the non-profit organizations relate to internet safety issues or children’s health when adopting the Kotler’s social marketing strategy.
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