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    Title: B2B電子交易市集價值提升之研究
    A Study on enhancing B2B E-marketplace values
    Authors: 陳瑞彬
    Chen, Jui Pin
    Contributors: 詹文男
    Chen, Jui Pin
    Keywords: 電子採購
    electronic procurement
    electronic commerce
    B2B E-marketplace
    value creation
    value of customer identity
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-02 17:33:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 採購作業在企業營運過程中扮演著重要的環節,若企業可取得有利原物料成本,將可有效提升企業競爭力。企業為確保採購作業優勢,通常希望找尋更多供應廠商,以期從中取得市場最低價格之原物料。
    在1990年代網際網路(Internet)與全球資訊網( World Wide Web)的出現後,買賣雙方的交易行為開始透過電子商務(Electronic Commerce)進行交易,以降低採購作業溝通處理。企業為擴大詢價來源,電子商務更發展為多家買方(採購商)對多家賣方(供應商)的B2B電子交易市集(E-Marketplace)。B2B電子交易市集發展至今,台灣企業使用B2B電子交易市集的情況始終不普及。台灣企業在面對全球市場的競爭,台灣企業是否可更有效的運用B2B電子交易市集來進行採購作業,該如何提升B2B電子交易市集的價值,協助台灣企業營造良善的採購環境及提升競爭力,為本論文的研究動機。
    為提升買賣方對B2B電子交易市集價值的認同感,建議本論文研究個案F平台可朝透過雲端、開放資料(Open data)、大數據(Big Data)的運用並朝下列幾點發展,以協助企業提升競爭力:(1)營造專業採購交易平台。(2)增加主動交易媒合功能。(3)運用交易數據資料,創造新主動提醒訂購功能、增加會員資質分級管理制度、提供交易指標參考數據等構面發展。
    最後,在資訊科技技術不斷的推陳出新,各技術運用也日漸普及。因此,建議未來針對B2B電子交易市集研究方向,可朝如何運用各項資訊科技(如物聯網Internet of things),整合買賣雙方及往來關係者資源(如政府、銀行、物流業者等資訊)並朝向智慧化發展,以提供買賣雙方更透明、更便利、更快速交易環境。
    Procurement practices play an important part in the process of business operations. If companies can achieve lower material costs, this will effectively enhance their competitiveness. To ensure the advantages of procurement, it is often desirable for companies to find more suppliers in order to obtain the lowest prices from them.
    In the 1990s with the emergence of Internet and World Wide Web (WWW), transactions between buyers and sellers started trading through electronic commerce to reduce the procurement communication and negotiation process. In order for companies to expand their sources of the market prices, e-commerce has been developed into a B2B E-marketplace with multiple buyers and sellers. In Taiwan companies, the use of the B2B E-marketplace services, as they have been developed so far, is not always popular. Therefore, the motivation for this study is to provide Taiwan companies with a more efficient method to use B2B E-marketplace services when undertaking procurement activities, and enhance the value of the B2B E-marketplace to help Taiwan companies create a better procurement environment and improve competitiveness when they face global competition.
    After reviewing the previous studies in literature and interviewing the electronic manufacturing industry, the medical industry, and the B2B E-marketplace industry, I find that buyers and sellers think that the B2B E-marketplace should provide a more transparent, more convenient, more efficient, and fast trading environment, have a function with the electronic catalog, quotation and ordering system, accounts and electronic invoices, etc., have a function to attract more members and ensure their records, offer a 24-hour customer and consultant service, create a user-friendly interface, and value the trustworthiness of the transaction, the system stability and security, the data accuracy, and the reasonable fee standard in order to reduce transaction costs and increase profitability for both parties.
    In order to enhance the value of identity of the buyers and sellers of the B2B E-marketplace, it is recommended that the case F platform of the study be conducted through the use of the cloud, open data, big data, and following the following points to help companies enhance their competitiveness: (1) to create a professional procurement trading platform (2) to increase the active trading and the matchmaking probability (3) to use the transaction data to create a new order function with an active reminding system, increase a management function with a membership grading system, and provide transaction indexes and reference data.
    Finally, we know that information technologies continue to innovate and the use of any new technologies has also become increasingly popular. Therefore, for the future research in the B2B E-marketplace, it is recommended that we can use various information technologies such as the “Internet of Things”, to reassemble buyers, sellers, and other partners such as government, banking, and logistics industry involved in the transactions, and develop the wisdom to provide buyers and sellers with a more transparent, more convenient, and fast trading environment.
    第一章 緒論 1
    第一節 研究背景與動機 1
    第二節 研究目的 6
    第三節 研究範圍 7
    第四節 研究流程 8
    第二章 文獻探討 9
    第一節 電子交易市集 9
    第二節 價值創造 23
    第三章 研究方法 30
    第一節 研究架構 30
    第二節 研究變數 32
    第三節 研究方法與工具 36
    第四節 資料分析方法 38
    第五節 研究限制 43
    第四章 研究結果 44
    第一節 個案介紹 44
    第二節 訪談資料彙總 53
    第三節 比較廠商說明 71
    第四節 研究結果分析 84
    第五章 結論與建議 95
    第一節 研究結論 95
    第二節 研究建議 107
    參考文獻 110
    壹、中文部分 110
    貳、英文部分 112
    附錄 訪談問卷 115
    Reference: 壹、中文部分
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103932108
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