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    Title: 透過最佳化社會資本實現嬰兒潮顧客的社會幸福
    Achieving social wellbeing of baby boomers through optimizing social capital
    Authors: 廖庭毅
    Liao, Ting Yi
    Contributors: 苑守慈
    Yuan, Soe Tysr
    Liao, Ting Yi
    Keywords: 社會資本
    Social capital
    social wellbeing
    baby boomer
    maximize social capital
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-02 17:02:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在1946至1964年之間出生的戰後嬰兒潮,奉獻了大半輩子在於工作,因此擁有較 高的收入以及較充裕的自由時間。毫無疑問地,他們是最有資格也最值得去追求 幸福的族群了。
    這篇論文基於PERMA這個模型對於幸福所提出的五個元素,針對其中的“社交 關係”進行研究。並以社會資本來當作研究的核心,近而探討線上以及線下的行 為對於社會資本所造成的影響。
    在這篇論文中,我們會透過所設計的機制,來量化個體的社會資本。並利用活動 導向的推薦來增加以及最佳化個體的社會資本。更希望可以透過人與人之間的強 弱連結,使彼此之間互相影響,共同創造更大的社會資本以及更好的社交關係。 透過我們的機制,系統可以了解嬰兒潮顧客的社交情形,並推薦適合他們從事的 社交活動。
    長期來看,我們認為微觀的社會資本可以影響到宏觀的社會資本。如同個體可以 影響到其所在的群體一樣。研究最後的目標是幫助嬰兒潮顧客達到社會幸福,並 創造一個使用者可以共同創造價值的生態系。
    Baby boomers, which mean people who were born between 1946 and 1964, devoted most of their life at work. Because of the high income and free time they have, they undoubtedly are the most capable but also the most worthy to pursue wellbeing. This paper will focus on one of the elements of wellbeing, which is the relationship part of PERMA model. The core of this research is on social capital that is related to user`s behaviors online and offline. In this research, we want to quantify each user’s social capital, and then increase and maximize it through our particularly devised mechanism. By the strong or weak ties between users, they could co-create higher social capital and better relationships. Through our mechanism, we can understand baby boomers’ social situation and improve it by recommending virtual and physical activities. In the long term, we thought micro social capital can affect macro social capital, as a person can affect others. The final goal of this research is helping baby boomers achieve social wellbeing and create an ecosystem for users to co-create value in relationships.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103356036
    Data Type: thesis
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