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    Title: 財產稅相關議題之研究-以台北市自用住宅為例
    Essays on Property Tax
    Authors: 陳揚仁
    Chen, Yang Jen
    Contributors: 吳文傑
    Wu, Wen Chieh
    Chen, Yang Jen
    Keywords: 雙率財產稅稅制
    Split-rate Property Tax
    Effective Property Tax Rate
    Assessment Ratio
    Property Tax Capitalization
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-02 16:00:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 財產稅分成單一稅率財產稅制以及雙率財產稅制。財產稅稅基依賴的是評估價值,稅基通常沒有正確反應市價,雙率的財產稅制在有效稅率以及評估比率估算上皆較單一稅率稅制複雜;此外,房價居高不下之下,財產稅資本化效果的探討更有其必要性,因此本研究選取財產稅制度已實施雙率稅制數十年台灣的首都台北市,並且選取自用住宅為樣本,探討在雙率稅制下,衡量「1-評估比率」、財產稅有效稅率、以及探討財產稅資本化效果。
    This paper investigates the assessment ratio, effective property tax rate and property tax capitalization for owner-occupied residential houses in Taipei, which employs a split-rate property tax system. The analysis finds that the effective property tax burden is lower in Taipei. Therefore, the tax authority should work to raise the effective property tax rates and minimize the biases in order to raise assessment ratios. Ideally, if the committees could be integrated into a single committee, assessed value biases may be able to be significantly reduced.

    In property tax capitalization, we find that current property tax rate is smaller than the optimal one in Taipei. Current property tax burden especially from the land value tax is too light, so a higher property tax rate cannot be negatively capitalized into the house prices. Moreover, we also find that there is a positive house tax capitalization only for the high value houses, but a negative house tax capitalization for low value houses. These findings imply that Taipei authority has to raise the property tax burden especially for high value houses to be above the optimal level if it wants to effectively cool down the rising house value.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0962555013
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