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Title: | 從社會行銷觀點探討非營利組織情感教育推廣策略──以大學階段為例 Examining the Promotion Strategies of Non-profit Organizations for College Relationship Education from the Approach of Social Marketing |
Authors: | 蘇緯 SU, WEI |
Contributors: | 黃葳威 蘇緯 SU, WEI |
Keywords: | 大學階段 非營利組織 情感教育 社會行銷 college student non-profit organization relationship education social marketing |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-02 15:44:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 情感教育就是幫助民眾提昇建立、經營親密關係能力的教育,在國外行之有年且成效卓著,但在台灣對多數人來說仍屬陌生概念。由於絕大多數大學生正值成年早期,建立親密關係是此階段重要發展任務,故本研究期望在我國愛情與婚姻問題高漲的背景之下,跳脫既有文獻皆出自教育領域的視角,從社會行銷的角度,探究非營利組織大學階段情感教育推廣的現況,並對未來行銷策略提出展望。
研究結果顯示,目前雖有不少教師、機構在情感教育的推廣工作上默默耕耘,也在教學現場累積了不錯的策略與成果,但整體來說推廣單位無論居於「直接服務目標對象」,或是「連結服務場域(例如學校)與目標對象」的中介位置,都需更多尋求對服務場域與目標對象的理解以從顧客的導向思考俾利推廣。本研究彙整現況與研究參與者的想法,歸納出以下四方面建議供未來情感教育推廣參考: 一、 整合以利服務輸送,解決資源有限、力量分散困境。 二、 不只是教育──宜看重專業分工、廣納多元人才。 三、 結合社區動能增加服務觸角,營造支持性環境。 四、 情感教育推廣關乎社會福祉,需要產官學等領域共同努力。
最後,在傳播專業的參與方面,本研究則提出教育內容媒體化、以行銷強化目標對象需求意識、培養具相關議題知能的傳播行銷人才等策略等三方面建議,期待透過傳播與教育領域跨科際的合作與理解,幫助情感教育推廣建立有效的本土模式,對社會發展做出貢獻。 Relationship education aims to enrich people’s ability in building and managing relational intimacy with others. It is new here in Taiwan though in some countries it has been practicing for long time and has been proven effective. Building intimate relationship is a significant developmental task for college students, most of who are in their early adulthood. Considering the increasingly worsening romance and marital problems in our society, this study was conducted from the view of social marketing, rather than from the view of education, on which all the current literature was conducted, to explore the current status of non-profit-organizations’ marketing of relationship education among college students and to provide suggestions for its improving.
This study was conducted with in-depth-interview with 7 relationship education practitioner and experts from non-profit-organizations, whose roles varied from teachers, leaders of relevant organizations, and advocators for governmental policy; the interview theme included their experience and opinion on practicing, structures and environments; the data collected was analyzed according to Kotler’s social marketing process to learn about the current marketing environments and targets of relationship education for college students and to provide suggestions for marketing strategies.
The result indicated that, in spite of that lots of teachers and organizations have been working diligently in promoting relationship education and that much has been gained in both teaching strategies developing and teaching outcome, generally speaking, to achieve better marketing results, organizations (either serving college students directly or via schools and other agents which connecting providers and receivers) need to understand more about where and whom they serve and hence learn to become customer oriented. Based on this and opinions from the subjects, the researcher provided the following suggestion for future marketing of relationship education for college students: 1. To solve the problems of resource inadequacy and scattered efforts, resources for relationship education from various parties shall be integrated so as to successfully deliver the service to college students. 2. The project of marketing of relationship education shall enroll manpower from other related professions, for it a task that requires more other education profession. 3. The marketing of relationship education shall get communities’ involvement for building a supportive environment to broaden their service group. 4. Since the marketing of relationship education is a matter concerning the welfare of our society as a whole, it requires contribution from the practitioners, the government, the academia, and also other fields of profession.
In addition, this study observed variation of students’ characteristics and needs on relationship education across factors of school type, family socio-economic status and geographical region. Among all, the factor of school types was taken as most significant by the subjects and the researcher suggest that further studies explore it and relevant parties to consider it while developing marketing strategies, such as market segmentation.
Finally, regarding the involvement of the profession of communication, the researcher suggests having teaching content available via various media, reinforcing the target’s awareness of needs by way of marketing, and raising profession of communication and marketing that are familiar with relevant issues. Cooperation and mutual understanding between communication profession and education one shall benefit the development of effective local marketing models and hence contribute to Taiwan society. |
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