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    題名: 社群媒體之內容行銷研究-以快速消費品為例
    Research of Content Marketing on Social Media ‐Taking Fast Moving Consumer Goods as an Example
    作者: 姜俊邑
    Chiang, Chun Yi
    貢獻者: 白佩玉
    Pai, Pei Yu
    Chiang, Chun Yi
    關鍵詞: 社群媒體
    Social media
    Content marketing
    Product attitude
    Brand attitude
    Purchase intention
    日期: 2015
    上傳時間: 2016-07-21 10:50:36 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 傳統媒體逐漸式微,原生廣告、內容行銷成為現今企業及行銷人員重視的議題。內容行銷廣告的宗旨在於:如何在廣告資訊供過於求的環境中,讓消費者主動注意到品牌及產品,並藉由提供有趣、好玩的訊息,或是請專家或是專業部落客撰寫實用的資訊,以求與消費者進行對話建立更進一步的關係。因此本研究旨在討論原生廣告的價值,以及原生廣告代言人對消費者產品或是品牌態度影響為何。
    1. 廣告內容訊息的享樂性價值對於產品態度與品牌態度呈現顯著正相關。
    2. 廣告代言人的喜好度對於產品態度呈現顯著正相關。
    3. 產品態度對購買意圖的影響力大於品牌態度。

    As the influence of traditional media declines, content marketing and native advertisement becomes the critical issues which marketers and advertisers focus on. Marketers communicate and build relationships with consumers by means of content marketing. It is essential to enhance consumers’ brand awareness and attitude toward products, by providing interesting contents or by inviting the experts or bloggers to write some-things useful. There is little research on the value of content marketing, the endorsers of native advertisement, and influences on consumer attitudes toward the product and brand. Therefore, this study fulfills the research gap.
    The study collects 258 valid online questionnaires. Results and discussions are concluded below:

    1. The hedonic value of advertisement message has significant positive influence on both attitude toward product and brand.
    2. The attractiveness of the endorser in the advertisement has significant positive influence on attitude toward product.
    3. The attitude toward product has more influence on purchase intention than that toward brand does.

    This study encourages the development of effective and practical guidelines for content marketing strategies, as well as provides avenues for further research of online marketing.
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