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    Title: 長期諮商提升自我概念之歷程分析:心理師觀點
    The process analysis of long-term psychotherapy in improving the self-concept: From psychotherapist`s point of view
    Authors: 呂萱
    Lu, Hsuang
    Contributors: 陳婉真
    Chen, Wan Chen
    Lu, Hsuang
    Keywords: 長期諮商
    Long-term psychotherapy
    process analysis
    psychotherapist`s point of view
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-21 10:49:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自我概念與個體的心理狀態息息相關,因此經常被視為心理健康的重要因素。目前已許多研究支持心理諮商對於自我概念的療效,但聚焦於轉變歷程的相關研究鮮少,且國內現有的少數相關研究又以短期諮商取向為焦點。因此,本研究之目的在於探究長期諮商協助自我概念轉變之歷程





    For the influence of personal mental health, self-concept is commonly seen as an important part in one’s mental state. There were many studies that supported the effects of psychotherapy in improving the self-concept. However, these studies rarely focused on the psychotherapy process in improving the self-concept. In Taiwan, there are a few articles that mentioned the self-concept in short-term psychotherapy approach, but the article about the self-concept in long-term psychotherapy is almost non-existent. Hence, the main purpose of this research is to explore the process of improving the self-concept by the long-term psychotherapy.

    The study used semi-structured interviews to collect data from six psychotherapists who primarily conducted long-term psychotherapy in practice. The researcher individually and in-depth interviewed the psychologists. The interviews lasted for about one and a half hour. The contents of the interviews focused on the change of self-concept, the process of changing the self-concept, the effective interventions of psychotherapist in improving the self-concept, and the key factor and obstacle of improving the self-concept. The main findings of this study were as follows:

    1.The change of self-concept includes: The self-concept changes form vague to clear. The self perception changes from limited to extended. The self value changes from self-criticism to self-satisfaction. The psychological control of self changes from incapable to dominated.

    2.The process of changing in self-concept includes three states. First, the client was desired to find out the self-value during the counseling relationship. Second, the client hesitated about whether trying or not to continue the counseling. Third, the self-concept was improved through the process of counseling relationship. The key factors of the changes in mental states include three parts. First, transference is the basic phenomenon for the change of the self-concept. Second, the client tried to loosen the self-concept by his will. Last, the self-concept improved through the corrective experiences.

    3.The effective interventions of psychotherapist in improving the self-concept include: constructing the corrective experience to enable the self-concept being clear than before, reflecting the understanding of the client to expand the self-perception, helping the client to accept himself by the genuine acceptance of counselor, and encouraging the client to express his feelings to promote the psychological control of self.

    4.The key factors of improving the self-concept include: the strong desire and determination to change, the professional skill and stable status of the counselor, the positive interpersonal experience during the counseling process, and the sufficient time to intervene. The obstacles of improving the self-concept include: lacking of the desire and determination to change, the limited skill and instable status of the psychotherapist, the painful and frustrating experience during the counseling process, and the interruption of the external factors.
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