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    Title: 臺北市公立高中職校長空間領導與行政人員工作滿意度關係之研究
    The Study of the Relationship between the Public High School Level Principal’s Space Leadership and the Administrative Staff‘s Job Satisfaction in Taipei City
    Authors: 蔡宗湶
    Tsai, Chung Chuan
    Contributors: 湯志民

    Tang, Chih Min
    Chen, Yu Hui

    Tsai, Chung Chuan
    Keywords: 校長空間領導
    principal`s space leadership
    administrative staff`s job satisfaction
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-21 10:44:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在瞭解臺北市公立高中職校長空間領導與行政人員工作滿意度之現況為何,並分析不同背景變項之行政人員於知覺其校長空間領導和工作滿意度之差異情形,更進一步探究二者之相關程度高低情形;輔以分析校長空間領導對於行政人員工作滿意度之預測力效果,最後,再以結構方程模式檢定校長空間領導與行政人員工作滿意度之間的適配效果。
    This study aims to understand the status of a public high school level principal’s space leadership and administrative staff’s job satisfaction in Taipei city, and analyze the administrative staffs of different background about their principal’s space leadership and job satisfaction of the case. And this study also investigates the relevance of principal’s space leadership and administrative staff’s job satisfaction. In addition, analysis of principal’s space leadership for administrative staffs to predict the effects of job satisfaction. Finally, it tries to verify structural equation modeling for principal’s space leadership and administrative staff’s job satisfaction.
    The study adopts the questionnaire survey method. The main subjects of the questionnaire survey are directors, leaders and staffs in the high school level in Taipei city. The total numbers of questionnaires that were distributed to school is 700, 574 of which are valid. That is, the percentage of availability is around 83%. The collected datas are analyzed by the statistical method of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient, multiple stepwise regression analysis and structural equation modeling. So the findings of the study are as follows:
    1.Principals in the Taipei public high school level have medium-high degree performance on their practice of leadership with regard to space. And the highest score is the dimension of “ integrating into curriculum teaching“.
    2.Administrative staffs of the Taipei public high school level evaluate consequences of the job satisfaction as medium-high degree. And the highest score is the dimension of “ relationship between the people”.
    3.Administrative staffs who are male , aged over 51, years of service working more than 26 , years of administrative working more than 21, and serving as full-time team leader evaluate the principal’s space leadership higher degree than the others of the subjects.
    4.Administrative staffs who are service working more than 26 years, and working in vocational high schools have a higher evaluation on their job satisfaction.
    5.The relation between principal’s space leadership and administrative staff’s job satisfaction in Taipei city is positively correlated. The higher the principal’s space leadership is, the more administrative staff’s job satisfaction.
    6.The principal’s space leadership shows a significant predictability on administrative staff’s job satisfaction, particularly 0n the dimension of “ the users joint participation “ with a highest predictability is on administrative staff’s job satisfaction.
    7.The structural equation modeling shows the adaptability between principal’s space leadership and administrative staff’s job satisfaction.
    According to the above conclusions, the researcher is trying to provide some suggestions as further reference for the institution of education administration, schools and whom wants to be a principal.
    Reference: 中文部分
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