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Title: | 土耳其公共外交在中國 Turkey"s Public Diplomacy on China |
Authors: | 柯達瑞 Kadri, Biskinler Ebubekir |
Contributors: | 李明 Lee, Ming 柯達瑞 Biskinler Ebubekir Kadri |
Keywords: | 公共外交 土中關係 土耳其外交政策 軟實力 Public diplomacy Turkey and China relations Turkish foreign policy Soft power |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-07-21 10:43:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 20世紀初期世界上許多國家開始使用公共外交。有鑑於在一個變化中的世界體系,公共外交在雙邊關係上扮演了相當重要的角色。特別是冷戰後的全球政治發展,為了與其他國家之間建立更穩健的關係,並透過軟實力獲取國際間的認同開闢了一條新路徑。
此外,本研究對土耳其政府相關部門之高階官員及非政府組織進行訪談,訪談內容將使此研究論文更臻豐富。 At the beginning of 20th century many countries in the world started to use public diplomacy activities. This is due to its being in a changing world system, public diplomacy began to take an important role in bilateral relations. Developments in the global politics, especially after the Cold War, had opened a new path for many countries to build stronger relations with other countries and to gain the sympathy of the foreign public by using soft power elements.
In this thesis Turkey’s public diplomacy activities in China were emphasized. Since the inception of the diplomatic relations between the Republic of Turkey and People’s Republic of China in 1971, both countries mainly focused on economic developments. Relations regarding education, culture and social activities were developed, and gained more importance in 2011 after both countries celebrated their 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.
At the beginning of this thesis the concept of “public diplomacy” has been introduced. Then, Turkish and Chinese relations have been addressed to understand the relations from history to present. Later, Turkey’s public diplomacy institutions that are implementing public diplomacy activities on education, culture, media and religion in China are, also, briefly explained. Finally, Turkey’s Public diplomacy activities in China are evaluated and recommendations are given. Therewithal, regarding this study, besides literature researches and interviews with officials in high position from leading Turkish government institutions and NGOs made this thesis more opulence. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 亞太研究英語碩士學位學程(IMAS) 98926038 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098926038 |
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