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Title: | 高中職以下教師復原力之後設分析 A Meta-analysis of The Teacher Resilience for Senior High School and Below in Taiwan |
Authors: | 張攸萍 |
Contributors: | 吳政達 張攸萍 |
Keywords: | 教師復原力 後設分析 teacher resilience meta-analysis |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-07-21 10:41:46 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究係以「後設分析」為研究方法,共採納國內三十篇「教師復原力」的相關研究,探究高中職以下教師復原力的現況,並探討不同背景變項下教師復原力之差異情形。 研究結果顯示,在個人背景變項部分:女性教師在整體復原力上優於男性教師,年齡為31歲以上之教師優於30歲以下教師,有宗教信仰之教師優於無宗教信仰之教師,已婚教師優於未婚教師,有子女之教師優於無子女之教師,教育程度為研究所以上之教師優於大學以下之教師,工作年資為11年以上之教師在整體復原力上並無顯著優於10年以下之教師,兼任行政職之教師在整體復原力上並無顯著優於未兼任行政職之教師;學校背景變項部分:不同學校規模與所在地在教師復原力上並無顯著差異。 再者,探討影響教師復原力的因子中,女性教師的家庭團結、社會資源、社交能力等因子效果皆顯著優於男性教師,而個人強度與未來希望感因子效果則無顯著差異。 最後,根據研究發現提出具體建議,以供教師、學校、相關教育行政單位及未來研究者參考。 The present research employs meta-analysis as methodology based on the findings of 30 master theses concerning teacher resilience. The purpose of this study is to understand the current status of the teacher resilience for senior high school teachers and below in Taiwan. The result shows that teachers with different background variables have significant difference of teacher resilience. For gender, the level of female teachers’ resilience was higher than male teachers. For age, teachers aged above 31 outperformed those below 30. For religion, teachers having their religious faith outperformed those who do not. For having children, teachers having their descent(s) performed better than those have none. For marital status, teachers married outperformed those unmarried. For academic levels, teacher with master or doctoral degree outperformed those with university or college degree. However, there were no significant differences among the variables, such as teaching experience, administration positions, school location and size. Further, I investigated several factors resulting in teacher resilience. Female teachers’ resilience was outperformed than male teachers in family reunion, social resource and social capacity. However, there were no significant difference in personal strength and future organization style. The findings provide helpful information to teachers, schools, education authorities, and generate practical suggestions for future study. |
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