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    Title: 網路名人蛻變過程—從互動性到媒介特性
    The Process of Becoming Internet Celebrity in Taiwan-from interactivity to media properties
    Authors: 顏婕妤
    Chieh, Yu Yen
    Contributors: 林怡潔
    Yi, Chieh Lin
    Chieh, Yu Yen
    Keywords: 網路名人
    Internet celebrity
    Social capital
    Social media
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-21 10:34:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文宗旨在於闡析、幫助網路創作者深入調查,除了創作之外,如何從精準運用媒體特性、持續與閱讀者互動裡,一步步蛻變為網路名人。線上社群網絡提供了虛擬世界,讓個人得以紓發思想、意見或創作,也讓一些網路創作者,在持續的深耕作品與他人的互動關係下,逐漸累積出一定規模的粉絲數及網路能見度。本文也探討在台灣現況的社會、文化脈絡下,網路創作者如何慢慢累積、獲得不同的社會資本、進而成為網路名人。
    The present research aims to investigate how to positively help online content creators become Internet celebrities besides from continuously produce contents---by appropriately utilizing different characteristics of social medium and constantly interacting with the audience in Taiwan. Online social networks have provided a cyber space for everyone to express thoughts/opinion/creation, some content creators have gained loads of followers, fans and visibility due to continuously developing and cultivating the content and relationships. This study examines the process of how online content creators acquire social capital through practical performance to the path of becoming Internet celebrities with a strong focus on the social and cultural contexts in Taiwan. To fulfill the purpose, this study conducts face-to-face semi-structure interviews with six successful online content creators, in the hope to develop comprehensive understanding of the process and factors of becoming Internet celebrities in Taiwan.
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