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    Title: 形成性潛在變項於非線性效果之模型設定 : 限制式方法
    Model Specification for Nonlinear Effects of Formative Latent Variables: The Constrained Approach
    Authors: 陳淑萍
    Chen, Shu Ping
    Contributors: 鄭中平
    Cheng, Chung Ping
    Chen, Shu Ping
    Keywords: 形成性潛在變項
    formatively-measured latent variables
    latent nonlinear effects
    the constrained approach
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-21 09:54:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 社會行為科學領域中,潛在非線性關係常為研究者所關切,發展潛在變項間非線性效果方法有其重要性。近年來,已有許多統計方法致力於非線性結構方程模型之估計。就作者所知,大多數方法主要侷限在以反映性測量模式 (reflective measurement model) 為基礎之潛在非線性效果估計,而忽略以形成性測量模式 (formative measurement model) 為基礎之潛在非線性效果估計。本研究衍生Chen與Cheng (2014) 於反映性測量模式基礎下所建立的非線性效果方法,拓展至以形成性測量模式為基礎之非線性效果方法。本研究建立的六個廣義性非線性架構,可獨立或同時嵌入三種類型非線性效果,包含反映性潛在變項間交互作用與二次項效果、形成性潛在變項間交互作用與二次項效果和反映性與形成性潛在變項間交互作用效果。值得注意地,每個非線性架構皆保有Chen與Cheng矩陣分割技術,可簡化模型設定的過程,並類推至更多情境的非線性模型。整體來說,本研究促進限制式方法與交乘項指標方法的發展,希冀提升方法發展與研究者在實務研究的應用。
    Modeling latent nonlinear effects is a significant issue in the social and behavioral sciences. A variety of approaches have recently been developed for the estimation of nonlinear structural equation modeling. To the best of our knowledge most of these approaches have been developed primarily to estimate interaction and/or quadratic effects of reflectively-measured latent variables, while leaving nonlinear effects of formatively-measured latent variables unaccounted for. The current study implements formatively-measured latent variables into Jöreskog and Yang’s (1996) constrained approach by extending Chen and Cheng’s (2014) research to create a unified set of six generalized nonlinear frameworks, each capable of differentially or collectively modeling the three types of latent nonlinear effects that have arisen in empirical applications (i.e., interaction and/or quadratic effects between reflective latent variables, between formative latent variables, and between reflective and formative latent variables). By preserving the inherent advantage of Chen and Cheng, i.e., the matrix partitioning technique, while at the same time further generalizing its applicability, it is expected that the current framework enhances the potential usefulness of the constrained approach as well as the entire class of product indicator approaches.
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