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    Title: 檔案館運用Facebook粉絲專頁互動經營之研究
    A Study of the Public Communication and Operating Status of Archives with Facebook
    Authors: 王琪寛
    Wang, Chyi Kuan
    Contributors: 林巧敏
    Lin, Chiao Min
    Wang, Chyi Kuan
    Keywords: Facebook粉絲專頁
    Facebook Page
    Media Richness
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-21 09:37:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 網路技術的快速發展,使人與社會的接觸從實體走入虛擬,人與人之間的交流互動,可以透過社群媒體與網站進行意見的交流與資訊,政府單位、典藏機構與公眾人物等具有群眾號召力之訊息發布者,莫不透過網路社群的功能,達成資訊的成功傳遞。典藏機構是一般大眾最為信賴的知識傳播者,隨著社群網站成為主流的資訊中介站,檔案館也開始在2008年設立Facebook粉絲專頁。有鑑於Facebook具有資訊傳播效益,能提升檔案館與使用者意見的直接溝通。本研究旨在瞭解國內外檔案館Facebook粉絲專頁的互動經營模式,透過內容分析、深度訪談與問卷調查法,以不同的角色探討檔案館Facebook的經營策略與網路使用者的互動需求。
    With the advent of the Internet, social networks afford an opportunity to make information much more broadly available and make direct contact between administrators such as governments, libraries, archives, museums and internet users. Library, archives and museums are the most trusted information suppliers. With the concept of becoming a communication intermediate, archives around the world started to create Facebook Pages since 2008 for extending communication channel with users of archives. The purpose of this research is to investigate the public communication and operating status of archives on Facebook.
    This research collected data from analyzing the media richness on the Facebook posts from US National Archives (U.S.), The National Archives (U.K.), National Archives of Australia and 3 public archives in Taiwan during October 1 to December 31, 2015. Besides, also used in-depth interview with archivists who managed the Facebook Pages to understand the operating policies of archives. Furthermore, questionnaire survey was conducted to capture users’ access behavior and analyzed the users’ barriers.
    According to the results, most of the users stated that, although archives have tried very hard to keep up with the trend, failure on reaching consensus between users’ need and administrative costs and effectiveness were a big problem. Facebook followers considered insufficient communicating cannels and lacked of immediate feedback reduced the satisfaction on the presentation of Archives’ Facebook. With content analysis, this study found that the media which could cause highly interaction were photos, videos and links, even the spoken text markup language were more acceptable by Internet users. This study suggests that archives should deliberate to provide more posts with multiple types of clues. Through the process of modifying original transactional messages, the communication between archives and users will be more effective.
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