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Title: | 點讀筆輔助社會故事教學提升社會技巧能力之設計研究 A Design-based Research on Using Social Story to Enhance Social Skills with Digital-Pen’s Support |
Authors: | 李其霖 Lee, Chi Lin |
Contributors: | 陳志銘 Chen, Chih Ming 李其霖 Lee, Chi Lin |
Keywords: | 點讀筆 社會故事 社會技巧能力 DRTA閱讀策略 中度智能障礙 設計研究法 digital pen social story social skills DRTA reading comprehension strategy moderate mental-retarded Design-based Research |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-07-21 09:36:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在運用點讀筆輔助社會故事教學,基於設計研究法循環改進的過程,設計點讀筆輔助國中特教班社會故事教材及教學模式,並驗證其對於智能障礙學生提升社會技巧能力的效益。本研究以新北市某國中特教班中度智能障礙共6位學生為研究對象,以設計研究法在教學現場基於學生學習過程中的質化觀測訪談紀錄,以及學習成效前後測、問卷調查與目標行為觀測紀錄等量化資料分析結果,進行包括準備、執行、評鑑、推廣四階段循環修正歷程,發展結合點讀筆、社會故事與DRTA閱讀策略之教材與教學模式設計,為特殊教育教師運用點讀筆發展社會故事教學教材提供可行之實施模式,提供適合智能障礙學生自主學習之創新點讀筆社會故事教材設計。 結果顯示,本研究透過設計研究法的四階段循環修正歷程,可發展出一套結合DRTA閱讀策略之有效點讀筆與碼點貼紙互動與社會故事教材設計。並且所發展之創新點讀筆社會故事教材可以有效提升中度智能障礙學生社會技巧能力,讓學生使用點讀筆輔助社會故事教材進行閱讀活動,並利用點讀筆與閱讀策略建立學習鷹架,達到以點讀筆教材進行自主學習為主、教師為輔之學習模式,為智能障礙學生建立有效且創新之點讀筆教材設計。此外,本研究亦透過推廣活動讓更多特殊教育教師充份了解點讀筆運用於中度智能障礙學生社會故事學習之優點與效益。 This study aims to apply digital pens to social story instruction by designing the social story materials and instruction model for the special education class in a junior high school assisted with digital pens and testing he benefit to promote social skills of mental-retarded students based on the circulation improvement process of Design-based Research. Total 6 moderate mental-retarded students in the special education class in a junior high school in New Taipei City are studied. The qualitative data of observation and interview records in the students’ learning process, the pretest and posttest of learning performance, questionnaire survey, and observation records of target behaviors are analyzed with Design-based Research to precede the circulation modification process of preparation, practice, assessment, and promotion. The materials and instruction model with the combination of digital pen, social story, and DRTA reading comprehension strategy are designed for special education teachers applying digital pens to develop a practicable model of social story instruction materials and designing innovative digital-pen social story materials for the autonomous learning of mental-retarded students. The results reveal that an effective digital pen and code sticker interaction in DRTA reading comprehension strategy combined with social story material design could be developed through the circulation modification process in Design-based Research. The developed innovative digital-pen social story materials could effectively promote the social skills of moderate mental-retarded students, allow the students preceding reading comprehension with digital pen assisted social story materials, and establish the learning scaffold with digital pens and reading comprehension strategy to achieve the learning model focusing on autonomous learning with digital-pen materials but assisted by teachers. It could establish effective and innovative digital-pen material design for mental-retarded students. Furthermore, this study, through promotion, allows more special education teachers thoroughly understanding the advantages and benefits of applying digital pens to the social story learning of moderate mental-retarded students. |
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