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    題名: 當台灣消費者遇上中國科技品牌:跨兩岸科技接受模式
    When Taiwanese Consumers Meet Chinese Technology Brands: Cross-Strait Technology Acceptance Model
    作者: 楊陽
    Yang, Yang
    貢獻者: 張郁敏
    Chang, Yuhmiin
    Yang, Yang
    關鍵詞: 來源國效應
    Country image
    Consumer Ethnocentrism
    Consumer Animosity
    日期: 2016
    上傳時間: 2016-07-20 16:34:37 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究以臺灣消費者為研究對象,檢視兩岸特殊文化背景之下台灣消費者對中國科技品牌之接受情況,整合科技接受模式(TAM)與來源國效應之彈性模式,提出跨兩岸科技接受模式(CSTAM)。研究以問卷調查的形式,探討中國國家形象、台灣消費者民族中心主義以及消費者敵意在其接納中國科技產品過程中的作用機制。本研究問卷於 2015 年 7 月在網路上發放,總計回收有效問卷558份。研究結果發現,中國國家形象會正向影響台灣消費者對於中國科技產品的接受情況。民族中心主義會負向影響台灣消費者對於中國科技產品的使用態度,而台灣消費者對於中國科技產品的使用態度會正向影響台灣消費者對於中國科技產品的使用意願;使用態度具有完全中介效果。台灣消費者對於中國科技產品的敵意越高,使用態度會越負面,使用意願也會越低。
    This thesis attempts to examine the acceptance of Chinese technology brand among Taiwanese consumer under the context of cross-strait culture. This study combines the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Country-Of-Origin Effect to propose a Cross-Strait Technology Acceptance Model. This thesis examines the roles of China’s country image, Consumer Ethnocentrism, Consumer Animosity and their effects on Taiwanese consumers’ acceptance of Chinese technology brand. Using an online questionnaire, a total of 558 valid samples, participated in this study during July, 2015. Findings of this study suggest that the image of China and the attitude toward Chinese technology product have positive association with the acceptance of Chinese technology brand. However, Ethnocentrism exerts negative influence on the acceptance of Chinese technology brand. Taiwanese consumers’ attitude toward Chinese technology products moderates the relationship. The more Taiwanese consumers have animosity toward Chinese technology products, the more they have negative attitude toward Chinese technology products. With this way, Taiwanese consumers have less intention to use Chinese technology products.
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