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    Title: 當代捷中關係的演變:從政經合作的角度觀察
    The Contemporary Evolution of Czech-China Relations: Political and Economic Cooperation
    Authors: 于莉荷
    Ullrichová, Zuzana
    Contributors: 蔡中民
    Tsai, Chung Min
    Ullrichová, Zuzana
    Keywords: 習近平
    Xi Jinping
    Miloš Zeman
    European Union
    Visegrád Group 
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-11 17:46:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 捷克共和國(簡稱捷克)自建國以來,與中華人民共和國(簡稱中國)維持著正式的外交關係。2004年,捷克加入歐盟後,兩國關係更快速進展,乃因中國視捷克為策略夥伴。
    在歐洲的中部與西部地區當中,捷克並非是中國唯一有興趣往來的國家,本論文透過維謝格拉德集團(Visegrád group)等四國與中國關係的比較來探討中國是否給予捷克任何較為特殊的待遇。
    Since its establishment, the Czech Republic has had an official relationship with the People’s Republic of China. The mutual relationship has been evolving in recent years, however notably from the year 2004 when the Czech Republic join the European Union, which made her a strategic partner in China’s eyes.
    To provide the best examination of Czech-China relations, I use neoliberalism as a theoretical approach. I apply neoliberalism from an international political economy perspective rather than international security.
    During the current Presidency period we can examine steps that have been made by the Czech Republic to deepen cooperation with China. The Czech president has been actively involved, especially in economic engagement with China and in attracting possible investment. Besides economic cooperation, these two countries have had a positive political relationship. The Czech government has changed the unofficial approach from `blaming China for violating human rights and lack of interest in further cooperation especially from the Czech side` into a focus on `keeping good relations, avoiding sensitive topics, and aiming at developing solid cooperation`. This signals a dramatic change in focus for the Czech Republic. The political section of this research provides the examination of agreements and statements of government officials. One chapter of this section is devoted to unofficial relations between the Czech Republic and Taiwan and how it influences Czech-China relations.
    The Czech Republic is not the only country in the region of Central and Eastern Europe China is interested in. Comparing the Czech Republic to other Visegrád group (V4) countries leads us to a question as to whether China provides any special treatment to the Czech Republic, therefore an analysis of V4 countries-China relations is also shown in this research.
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