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    Title: 國民中學學科教師於閱讀策略融入教學之研究 -以玉里國中為例
    The Reserch Of Junior High School Teacher’s Incorporation Teaching with Reading Strategies-In Yuli Junior High School
    Authors: 姜亭安
    Chiang, Ting An
    Contributors: 邱炯友
    Chiu, Jeong Yeou
    Chiang, Ting An
    Keywords: 閱讀策略
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-11 17:40:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 從學校圖書館的借閱情形,到臺灣104年度閱讀素養調查報告中,都顯示臺灣從青少年到成年人的閱讀內容,有淺薄化和狹窄化的現象。淺薄化意指思考深度較為淺薄的內容,狹窄化所指的是個人的閱讀種類具有偏好與習慣,上述例如小說類的輕小說或生活實用類的運動減肥書。長遠來看,這樣的閱讀風氣並不利於一個國家社會的穩定與發展。因此,「從教育紮根」便是常常受關注的口號,所以各學科國中教師,須思考以教學的力量,幫學生掌握閱讀理解策略,進行深思明辨,並且帶領學生認識多元化的閱讀視野。不過在升學主義的國中教育現場,要教師改變傳統教學法是有一定的困難度,所以本研究從已實行閱讀策略融入教學的老師去探討以下七點研究目的 :
    From the condition of borrowing books in a school library to the Taiwanese reading literacy survey in 2015, it shows that the reading hobby of Taiwanese teenagers and adults is shallow and narrow. Shallow text means that the content is not good enough to think deeply and narrow hobby means people have their individual reading favorite and preference, such as light novels or the books of keeping fit. In the long term, such reading atmosphere goes against the stability and development of a country. “Rooted by education.” is an announcement won public attention. Thus, the junior high school teachers should think how to help students to use reading strategies well, to consider and recognize clearly, and to lead them to habepluralistic views. However, there is a certain difficulty for teachers to change their traditional teaching under diplomaism. The research studied the teachers who had practiced the incorporation teaching with reading strategies, and included 7 research purposes:
    1.Understand junior high school teachers’ cognition and attitude about reading strategies.
    2.Analyze the situation, gain and thoughts of teachers’ incorporation teaching with reading srtrategies.
    3.Study the basic reading strategies of different subject’s needs.
    4. Analyze the reasons and problems in teachers’ incorporation teaching.
    5.Discuss Reading strategies’ spreading effect on different subject’ teaching .
    6.Investigate the teachers how to use library information in teaching.
    The method of the research is in-depth interview. Choose 4 teachers for each subject (Chinese, English, Mathmatics, Social and Science) to make deepth interviews.
    Based on the analysis of the interviews, the major findings were as the following: The teachers agreed that rural students needed incorporation teaching with reading strategies to improve their learning ability, but teachers’ reading strategies cognition is quite finite. After integrating opinions, all subjects need browsing, abstracting, recognizing words, integrating, explaining, comparing, connecting, and inferring. However, there is still some difference among diverse subjects.
    Besides teach reading strategies to develop students’ independent studying, teachers are influenced by peers profoundly. Even so, their largest problem is the pressure to catch up school progress. Teaching reading strategies is doubtlessly helpful and effective in each subject’s teaching, but many extending reading courses in class is insufficient. Even though Reading literacy of subject is not abundant, teachers still expressed to design and popularize the subjects’ reading in the future.
    According to this research, the conclusions would offer the education authority, the administrative unit in school, and the teachers some concrete advises which could be the references to keep advancing the reading education and teaching actively.
    Reference: 壹、 中文文獻
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