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Title: | 性別認同與保養品品牌購買心理之研究 Gender Identity and the Psychology of Purchasing Skin Care Brands |
Authors: | 林青樺 Lin, Ching Hua |
Contributors: | 陳建維 Chen,Chien Wei 林青樺 Lin, Ching Hua |
Keywords: | 性別認同 性傾向 產品涉入 獨特性需求 從眾行為 在意社會觀感程度 品牌性別 品牌知覺 品牌態度 購買意願 Gender Identity Sexual Orientation Product Involvement Conformity Behavior Need for Uniqueness the Degree of Concerning with Social Perception Brand Attitude Brand Gender Brand Perception Purchase Intention |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-07-11 16:53:23 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,全球女性保養品市場呈現穩定成長,雖然保養品以往都被視為屬於「女性領地」的產品,但全球男性保養市場不僅從2012年起就持續成長,未來前景也是相當看好。 有別於以往以性別(sex)做為市場區隔,消費者的性別認同及性傾向,已逐漸被用於區隔目標消費者,且同性戀消費者更因為其相較於一般異性戀男性的消費能力較強,而被視為「夢幻市場 (Dream Market)」。然而,現今台灣在該領域相關的研究文獻,卻往往只探討生理性別,忽略生理性別和性別認同之間的落差,如此將導致與性別相關的行銷研究有扭曲或偏頗的現象。 因此本研究希望能將性別認同與性傾向等因素,納入研究消費者購買保養品行為之考量因素,彌補理論和實際狀況的落差,期能研究出不同性別認同、性傾向的消費者,對不同定位保養品購買意願的差異,並根據該研究結果,給予保養品廠商一些行銷上的建議,讓其在釐清品牌定位時更有方向,並以更有效率、更適切的方式與顧客溝通。 本研究將影響保養品的購買意願從「性別認同」、「性傾向」、「獨特性需求」、「從眾行為」、「產品涉入」、「在意社會觀感程度」、「品牌知覺」、「品牌性別」、「品牌態度」等九大方面著手。 本研究以問卷方式獲取初級資料,收獲有效問卷共 375份,經過統計迴歸分析後發現,「性別認同」、「在意社會觀感程度」、「品牌知覺」和「品牌態度」此四項,最顯著影響消費者購買保養品意願。另外,雖然「性傾向」並沒有對購買意願產生影響,但卻有可能透過「在意社會觀感程度」干擾購買意願。而還有其他顯著影響因素待於研究中一一闡述。 Recently, the global market of female skin care products has grown a steady pace. Although, the skin care products are usually regarded as female products, the global market of male skin care products has grown fastly since 2012 and market analysts are optimistic about its future. In the past, we usually only use “sex” to segment a market, but gender identity and sexual orientation are gradually used to target customers now. Moreover, gay customers are regarded as a “Dream Market” because they have greater purchasing power than heterosexual men do. However, existing studies still tend to probe into sex and neglect the differences between sex and gender identity. Therefore, this research takes gender Identity and sexual orientation into consideration when conducting the behavior of purchasing skin care products, and the dependent variable” purchase intention” is leveraged by “Gender Identity”, “Sexual Orientation“, “Product Involvement”, “Need for Uniqueness”, “Conformity Behavior”, “the Degree of Concerning with Social Perception”, “Brand Attitude”, “Brand Gender”, “Brand Perception”. Among influential factors, “Gender Identity”, “the Degree of Concerning with Social Perception”, “Brand Attitude”, and “Brand Perception” contribute significantly to purchase intention. Although sexual orientation does not lead to purchase intention, it may affect purchase intention through influencing the factor of “the degree of concerning with social perception”. Other factors affecting the behavior of purchasing skin care products will be further discussed in this research. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易學系 103351006 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1033510062 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文
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