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    Title: 動機與偏好對手機遊戲消費行為之影響
    The Influence of Motivation and Preferences on Mobile Games Purchasing Behavior
    Authors: 裘富凱
    Contributors: 陳建維
    Chen, Chien Wei
    Keywords: 手機遊戲
    mobile games
    game characteristics
    perceived playfulness
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-11 16:48:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年手機遊戲產業發展迅速,不論是在全球或是台灣皆呈現高潛力的發展趨勢,手機遊戲有望在不久的將來成為遊戲界營收佔比最高的類別。相應著這樣的潮流,對手機遊戲的相關研究也跟著大量出現,研究題材如遊戲內容品質、平台營造以及營利模式等等,均為手機遊戲的開發有諸多貢獻。但是,儘管手機遊戲的研究正在興起,其走向仍以遊戲本質為主,鮮少有針對手遊玩家使用心態的研究,更遑論探討其與消費行為之間的關聯。
    The mobile game industry has been developing rapidly in recent years. Its high growing potential can be observed both in global and Taiwan markets. Some marketing studies even claim that mobile games would become the most profitable genre among the gaming market in the near future. The amount of research related to mobile games marketing increases in a fast pace, only reflecting this booming trend However, most of the studies by far merely focus on the content of games. Little academic research has been conducted on the players’ attitude toward games. Therefore, this study aims to bridge the gap between mobile gamers’ psychological status and their purchasing behaviors, offering a possible explanation for the reasons behind their purchases.
    This study used players’ motivation and preference on game characteristics as the independent variables, in which players’ motivation was classified into “achievement,” “social,” and “immersion,” while preference on game characteristics was divided into four categories: “fantasy,” “rationality,” “mystery,” and “control.” As for gamers’ behavior, it was analyzed in terms of three dimensions: “purchasing intention,” “spending,” and “addiction.”
    After the regression analysis, the results show that all of the above-mentioned motivation constructs exhibit significant association with purchasing intention. Players with high preference on fantasy theme have greater tendency to spend more on mobile games. Furthermore, preferences on fantasy, rationality, and mystery, have positive relationships with game addiction.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103351004
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