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    Title: 汽車行銷的適配組合: 企業品牌個性、代言人類型、廣告類型、消費者生活型態
    The Optimal Composition of Marketing in Car Industry: Brand Personalities, Endorser Types, Advertisement Types and Consumer Life Styles
    Authors: 張睿涵
    Contributors: 李嘉林
    Keywords: 汽車行銷組合
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-01 16:10:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣汽車市場競爭激烈,台灣市佔率前12大汽車品牌中,沒有一個品牌能夠獲得過半的市占,除了TOYOTA占了3成的市占率,其他11家品牌都只分別占了10%左右以及更少的市場份額。這說明了台灣汽車市場屬於高度異質寡占的性質,在此種性質的市場之下,消費者不只一種選擇,也有充足的資訊來比較各品牌間的差異,因此各品牌的行銷策略就變得格外重要。從各品牌市占率分析中也可以發現,台灣消費者對汽車的偏好相當具有多元性,汽車品牌商很難一網打盡,在資源有限之下,為達到最大效益,如何尋求最適合自身品牌特質的廣告、代言人等型行銷手段就成了研究課題。因此,汽車產業的廠商在行銷上,如何將資源做最適的分配,並能吸引目標消費者,便是一件極端重要的事情。
    1. 對「群體社交集群」而言:此集群最偏好「想像的本田」、「名人周杰倫」以及「功能型廣告」三種屬性所組合而成的汽車行銷組合。
    2. 對「領導自主集群」而言:此集群和群體社交集群相同,也最偏好「想像的本田」、「名人周杰倫」以及「功能性廣告」所組成的汽車行銷組合。
    3. 對「流行時髦集群」而言:此集群最偏好「想像的本田」與「驚奇廣告」的組合,對於代言人類型則較不影響。
    4. 對「精打細算集群」而言: 此集群最偏好「專家郭台銘」與「親情廣告」的組合,對於品牌個性則較不影響。
    5. 對「重視家庭集群」而言: 此集群只重視家人給予的建議,因此並無偏好任何一組合。
    The automotive industry in Taiwan is very competitive, for the brand having the biggest market share only accounts for 30% of the whole Taiwan market, and the rest of the other top 11 car brands all have about 3%~10% market share. From the market share, we can also tell that the consumers’preferences on cars differentiate a lot among different types of consumers. Therefore, to efficiently use the budget on marketing and maximizing the effect, it is of upmost importance for automotive companies to find the endorsers and adverstisement types that best matches their own brand personalities and also attract their target audiences.
    In this research, we attempt to summarize what kinds of marketing combinations would attract the most attention from certain types of consumers by conjoint analysis. We first choose brand personalities, endorsement types and advertisement types as 3 major variables in the marketing mix. We then use conjoint analysis, ANOVA analysis and demographic variables to analyze the preferences of consumers with different life styles. We find the best optimal compostions as follows:
    1. Social groups: Combination of imaginative Honda, the celebrity Jay Chou and functional advertising.
    2. Leadership groups: Same as social groups.
    3. Fashion groups: Combination of imaginative Honda and amaze advertising.
    4. Scrimp-style groups: C.E.O Mr. Guo and emotional advertising.
    5. Family valuing groups: No significant preference on any combination.
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