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    Title: 歐盟疑歐論起源與發展之研究
    A Study of the Origins and Development of Euroscepticism in the European Union
    Authors: 林彥勳
    Kszczotek, Filip Sebastian
    Contributors: 林永芳
    Lin, Yung Fang
    Kszczotek, Filip Sebastian
    Keywords: 歐盟
    European Union
    Two-level games
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-01 16:08:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過去十年來,人們體認到任何單一事件可能改變一個國家、一個區域,或全世界的政治情況。以歐盟而言,2014年歐洲議會的選舉就是一個很好的例子,許多研究者稱之為政治地震,這個事件可能促使對於「疑歐運動」脫離歐洲統合過程的陰影產生威脅,歐洲會議所呈現的疑歐論調可能被視為是歐盟末日的開端,或僅只是信任的暫時危機。
    本研究試圖分析自歐盟成立以來造成疑歐論興起的各項因素。再者本論文也包含2014年歐洲議會選舉對歐洲穩定和各國政治情況的影響,最後作者應用雙層賽局理論尋求疑歐論興起的適當方法,以及歐洲分化的可能問題。很多觀察者宣稱疑歐論團體 對歐洲的統合沒有造成任何威脅,作者建議疑歐論在最近期應被視為主要的問題,歐盟應有效地回應。
    In the past decade, people have witnessed that one single event may alter the political situation of a single country, region or even the whole world. In case of the EU, the 2014 European parliamentary election was one of them. Referred to by many researchers as a “political earthquake,” this event made it possible for the euroscepetic movement to emerge from the shadows and pose a threat to the European integration process. The presence of euroscepticism in the European Parliament may be seen as the beginning of the end of the EU or perhaps just a temporary crisis of trust.
    This study seeks to analyze the factors that contributed to the rise of euroscepticism since the beginning of the EU. Moreover, the impact of the 2014 European parliamentary election on European stability and the domestic political situation is also included in this paper. Finally, the author applies two-level games theory to find a proper solution to the rise of euroscepticism and the problem of potential European disintegration. Many observers claim that eurosceptic parties do not pose a threat to European integration. I suggest that euroscepticism should be recognized as one of the main problems to which the EU must respond effectively in the near future.
    By answering three research questions, the author gives further insight into the power gained by most of the eurosceptic political parties. Furthermore, based on the two-level games theory and the role of negotiations, the possible implications in dealing with euroscepticism are included in this paper.
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