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    Title: 以古典現實主義探討中國南海政策
    A Classical Realist Account of China’s Policy in the South China Sea
    Authors: 季方雷
    Jilek, Vaclav
    Contributors: 王定士
    Wang, Ding Shu
    Jilek, Vaclav
    Keywords: 古典現實主義
    classical realism
    South China Sea
    relative power
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-01 16:01:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 正如古典現實主義者所提倡的,最初的政治學中的關係探究存在於人類的本質中。權力的交替定義了君主世界中的相對關係,也因而形塑了我們對利益的追求。這樣的權力轉變正在中國發生,同時這也反應在中國對南海戰略的政策上。古典現實主義提供了海洋的國際政治學一個嶄新觀點。透過地理政治學上的解釋性分析,此研究檢視中國的政策與對世界的影響。在南海,中國持續崛起的力量、戰略與政策導致由中國主導的區域秩序。本研究所採用的研究方法發現到,中國崛起是一股相對的力量,且美國所企圖採取的權力平衡,可能無法成功圍堵中國的崛起。
    The primordial causal relationship within politics lies in the condition of our human nature, as classical realists argue. The constant exchange in power defines the relative relationships within the anarchical world, and shapes our pursuit of interests thereof. Such a change in power is occurring within China, and this is being reflected on its shifting policy and conduct in the South China Sea. Classical realism ought to shed light on and put forth a new perspective on the situation in the maritime sphere of international politics. The thesis scrutinizes, through interpretive analysis within a geopolitical approach, China’s policy and how it sees the world. The outcome of China’s increasing power, strategy and subsequent policy results in a China-led regional order starting in the waters of the South China Sea. The importance of this method in seeing China’s rise is the relativity of power and how the balance of power, including US, may prove to be inconclusive in trying to contain China’s unprecedented rise.
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