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    Title: 歐盟發展援助政策:以亞洲地區為例
    The Development and Cooperation Policy of the European Union:A Study on the Regional Cooperation in Asial
    Authors: 劉開元
    Liu, Kai Yuan
    Contributors: 張台麟
    Chang, Tai Lin
    Liu, Kai Yuan
    Keywords: 歐洲聯盟
    European Union
    EU Development Policy
    Development Policy in Asia
    South Asian Tsunami
    Civil Power
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-01 16:00:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「對外發展援助」作為歐盟施展全球影響力之重要途徑,其具體作法與實際成效在於維繫歐盟「文明權力」之可信度。時值國際金融海嘯衝擊,而歐洲債信仍危機四伏之際,歐盟能否持續推動發展援助政策,已然成為新時期歐盟全球戰略之迫切問題。爰此,本研究旨在探討歐盟發展援助政策,希冀經由對此一政策形成、推動、發展與演進之分析,輔以亞洲地區援助計畫個案討論,全面檢視當代歐盟發展援助政策之實踐與展望。首先透過文獻資料蒐集與整理,系統地回顧歐盟發展援助政策之沿革,並就其相關法理基礎進行初步檢視與探索。其次探討歐盟對亞洲發展援助之架構與策略,闡述歐盟自1994年啟動《邁向亞洲新策略》以來歐亞關係之演進與變遷。最後則以南海海嘯作為分析個案,評估歐盟對亞洲發展援助政策之實踐與現況,進而分析該政策對我國影響與啟示。
    As being the essential approach for EU global influence, European development policy has maintained the credibility of EU “civil power” by its real measures and effects. After the impact of the global financial crisis and the European debt crisis, to maintain the development policy became an imminent challenge for EU global strategy in this new era. In order to explore the regional cooperation and development policy in Asia, there is a need to systematically review the background and legal basis of EU development policy, then to analyze the framework and strategy of EU development policy in Asia and the inner EU-Asia relations since 1994 “Towards A New Asian Strategy”. After all, understand the actual performance of development policy in Asia by evaluating the case study of 2004 South Asian Tsunami, which can also be infer as the policy implication for Taiwan.
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