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    Title: 非營利組織內部行銷、組織認同、組織承諾研究:以兩岸種子人才培訓計劃為例
    The relationship among internal marketing, organizational identification and organizational commitment in Seed Talent Program
    Authors: 吳家銘
    Wu, Chia Ming
    Contributors: 陳敦源
    Chen, Don Yun
    Wu, Chia Ming
    Keywords: 內部行銷
    internal marketing
    organization identification
    organization commitment
    non-profit organization
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-01 15:21:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究的目的,係透過理論與實務的檢測,探討在種子人才培訓計劃中,內部行銷、組織認同與組織承諾的關係。在內部行銷、組織認同與組織承諾的變項中,哪些構面會影響三者關係的成立?組織認同與組織承諾在不同的個人背景下是否會有差異?台北與上海的種子人才培訓計劃成員,在性別、家鄉、年齡、級別、院所、幹部經驗是否會有差異?


    The purpose of the study is to find the relationship among internal marketing, organizational identification and organizational commitment in “Seed Talent Program”. In those dimensions, what variables influence the connection? Are the different personal backgrounds influence the organizational identification and organizational commitment? The members in Shanghai and Taipei have difference in sex, hometown, age, level, institutes, guide experience or not?

    Our survey uses the quantitative analysis. The data was collected through online questionnaire and visit the place in Taipei. In view of the program have foundations in Taipei and Shanghai; we design two questionnaires to make sure get enough samples. The statistical methods used in the survey include: descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, representative rample analysis, t-test, one-way anova, correlation analysis, regression analysis.

    After testing 252 members in Shanghai and Taipei, we found that the members in Shanghai have higher scores in three dimensions than those in Taipei. The relationship among the internal marketing, organization identification and organization commitment exists. When the internal marketing mechanisms become well, the members have higher identification and easily to make promise in the organization. The relationship is controlled by the hometown variables.
    Reference: 中文部分
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