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    Title: 風險社會下的開放政府:以台北市為例
    The Open Government in Risk Society: The Case of Taipei City
    Authors: 王尹辰
    Wang, Yin Chen
    Contributors: 李酉潭
    Lee, Yeau Tarn
    Wang, Yin Chen
    Keywords: 台北市
    Taipei City
    open government
    public participation
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-01 15:21:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文透過取得資訊的權利和公民參與程度的高低作為指標,討論生活在風險社會中,開放政府在台北市的表現情形。研究者採用世界正義計畫的開放政府指數為問卷作為基礎並且修改,以台北市為範圍。大眾問卷旨在探討不同年齡層對於取得資訊的權利和公民參與之見解是否有不同看法,而專家問卷則探討不同領域的專家對於取得資訊的權利和公民參與之見解是否有不同看法。
    根據學者Gwanhoo Lee和Young Hoon Kwak所提出的開放政府程度之檢視以及開放政府的三大準則—透明、公共參與、合作,對照本研究之測量,本研究發現:台北市公民與專家對資訊的準確程度未呈現質疑態度,而資訊品質之評價亦為正面,符合「資料透明」。然而,普遍來說公眾會隨著年齡不同而對於公民參與的認知有所不同,實際參與的次數也不高。綜上所述,本研究認為台北市開放政府的情形有涵蓋資料透明但缺乏「公民參與」。也因為缺乏公民參與,以至於合作的概念目前尚未實踐。至於如何突破現階段的困境,可做為將來研究的方向。
    This paper uses right to information and the level of civic participation as indicators to discuss citizens living in a risk society how the open government performs in Taipei City. The study adopts the World Justice Project(WJP) Open Government Index as the foundation of questionnaires and has done some revision, focusing on the case in Taipei City. The general public questionnaire aims to survey whether citizens in different age ranges hold different opinions toward right to information and civic participation; Expert questionnaire, on the other hand, is to investigate whether experts have different perspectives toward these two indicators.
    Based on the survey of the level of open government and the three principles proposed by Gwanhoo Lee and Young Hoon Kwak: transparency, public participation, and collaboration in contrast to the assessment of the study, the paper discovers that citizens and experts in Taipei City are undoubting of information accuracy and hold positive feedback to information quality, which corresponds to “information transparency.” However, generally the public varies in the understanding of civic participation as citizens age. The frequency of the actual participation remains low. In sum, the study deems that open government in Taipei City has incorporated information transparency but lack “civic participation.” Because of this, the concept of “collaboration” has not yet achieved. As for how to break through the current difficulties, it can serve as a research direction in the future.
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