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    Title: 高層管理團隊多元化與家族企業績效之關係研究:以中國家族企業為例
    The Influence of Top Management Team Diversity on Family Firm Performance: Evidence from Chinese Family Firms
    Authors: 韓靖
    Contributors: 蘇威傑
    Keywords: 分離型多元化
    diversity as separation
    diversity as variety
    diversity as disparity
    family firm
    firm performance
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-01 14:55:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 儘管很多文獻探討了高層管理團隊多元化與企業績效之間的關係,但所得結果卻不一致。我們將高層管理團隊多元化分為分離型、多樣型以及不平等型三類,以中國194家家族企業為研究樣本,分別討論不同類型多元化對家族企業績效的影響。具體來說,年齡分離型多元化對企業績效沒有顯著影響,但基於社會網絡理論分析后卻發現績效與教育背景分類型呈現先低後高的U型關係;性別以及職能背景多樣型多元化對企業績效均沒有顯著影響;由於社會比較的存在以及錦標賽理論的負面效應,薪酬不平等型多元化對企業績效有負向影響,但股權不平等型多元化卻有利於績效的提升,因為股權集中於家族手中益於家族企業目標的實現,加強家族成員對企業的認同感,並減少代理成本,避免權力衝突。我們基於不同的理論,檢驗了在中國文化背景下不同種類的多元化與企業績效之間的關係。我們在考察了中國情境下的管理理論運用的同時,也發現多元化本身帶有「雙面刃」的性質,需要區別對待不同多元化指標對企業績效的作用。
    Despite a lot of literature examining the relationship between the top management team diversity and firm performance, the evidence is mixed. To reconcile the conflicting results, we divide the TMT diversity into separation, variety and disparity to discuss the relationship between them and the family firm performance in China. Results from a sample of 194 Chinese family firms indicate that there is no relationship between age separation, gender variety, functional variety and firm performance. Based on the social network theory, the relationship between educational separation and firm performance is U-shaped. In addition, considering social comparison theory and the negative impacts of tournament theory, we find that salary disparity is negatively related to company performance. However, family firm performance benefits from share disparity because the concentration on the equity allows the family to achieve the family’s goal and reduce agency cost, finally contributes to enhancing the family members’ identity and avoiding the power conflicts within the organization. Base on different theories, we examine the relationship between different aspects of diversity and family firm performance under Chinese culture background, and also find the “double-edged sword” of diversity.
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