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    Title: 論服務貿易模式四自由化之可行方向
    Approaches to the Liberalization of Mode 4 Trade
    Authors: 蔡元閎
    Tsai, Yuan Hung
    Contributors: 楊光華
    Yang, Guang Hwa
    Tsai, Yuan Hung
    Keywords: 自然人移動
    movement of natural persons
    mode 4
    trade liberalization
    elimination of trade barriers
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-01 14:54:41 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 服務貿易「模式四」涉及生產要素之一的勞動力跨境移動,其所能帶來之貿易利得相當可觀;然而,勞動力之移動向來不為地主國青睞,各國針對此等自然人服務提供者多所管制,造成模式四貿易之諸多障礙,致使模式四佔服務貿易總量之比例極低,而亟待開發。在盤點多邊與非多邊體制下WTO之GATS與TPP協定消弭模式四貿易障礙之成果後,本文發現,國際間對於模式四貿易障礙之消弭必須持續推動,方能早日獲致模式四貿易自由化附隨之經濟利益。奠基於上述多邊與非多邊體制之成果,本文提出未來國際間在持續消弭模式四貿易障礙之可行方向,並以現正如火如荼談判中之「服務貿易協定(TiSA)」為例,印證本文所建議之方向有其可行性。
    Mode 4 of trade in services entails the cross border movement of one of the factors of production: labor. The potential gains from labor mobility can be substantial; however, labor mobility has never been welcome. Numerous regulations imposed by the receiving countries on the natural persons as service suppliers create barriers to the Mode 4 trade, resulting in the fact that Mode 4 trade accounts for little proportion of all four modes of service supply. After conducting stock takes on the elimination results of Mode 4 trade barriers through the GATS and the TPP Agreement respectively under multilateral and non-multilateral trade regimes, this article argues that efforts to remove Mode 4 trade impediments should continue in order that the ensuing welfare gains from Mode 4 trade liberalization can ultimately be achieved. Based on the aforementioned elimination results under both multilateral and non-multilateral regimes, this article proposes several approaches to further elimination of Mode 4 trade barriers, taking the ongoing Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) as an example to verify the feasibility of the proposed approaches.
    Reference: 中文部分

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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103351049
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文

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